MYCHRON 4 Problems

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    Tony LaPorta

    This past weekend at The Track Mychron was acting screwy.
    Would rev the motor and the RPM gauge wouldnt keep up with it. Ex, At full throttle it would sho like 500 rpm then as I let off the gas and it slowed it would jump up to say 4 or 5 thousand RPMS.
    And would give bogus lap times like 1:4’s and 1:5s, when i know i was sub 59s.

    Ive heard that when the battery starts to lose voltage the mychron starts acting werid. But I have put in 3 new 9 volts, and the little battery symbol on the start screen still shows less than full batt. power.

    Please help.

    Jeff Welch

    @Road Runner wrote:

    This past weekend at The Track Mychron was acting screwy.
    Would rev the motor and the RPM gauge wouldnt keep up with it. Ex, At full throttle it would sho like 500 rpm then as I let off the gas and it slowed it would jump up to say 4 or 5 thousand RPMS.

    If you still have the little plastic clip on the RPM cable, throw it away. That thing is junk. Zip tie the RPM cable directly to your spark plug wire. It can even help to wrap it around the wire a few times.

    Also, make sure that the RPM cable is not tied to any cables other than the spark plug wire. If it’s attached to any of your other ignition wires, or other sensor wires for the MyChron, that could be screwing up your readings.

    @Road Runner wrote:

    And would give bogus lap times like 1:4’s and 1:5s, when i know i was sub 59s.

    Two potential problems there that I can think of off the top of my head. First, the obscuring time may be messed up. After the MyChron registers a lap, it ignores all further laps for a certain amount of time. This amount of time might be set too long – check your manual to see how to change it, and set it to something like 50 seconds. The other potential problem is your sensor could be mounted such that your leg or something is getting in the way, or it’s just not lined up well enough to be able to “see” the beacon next to the track.

    Hopefully some of this works… if you absolutely can’t get it to work, AIM’s customer service is pretty good and will take care of you.

    Jeff Field

    Good luck Tony. That sounds screwy.

    Jeff, any advice on how to use the magnetic time sensor? I installed one to use at TTAC this past Sunday. I set the number of strips to 3 and the 3rd strip being start/finish. It was giving me lap times of ~2:50. So it was treating each actual lap as a sector.

    Do I need to turn down the obscuring time to below the shortest sector time? I think that is what I was missing.

    Jeff Welch

    Jeff, I’ve never used the magnetic sensors, but most likely the obscuring time is the problem. I’d guess you’re right that you need to be shorter than the shortest sector.

    Jeff Field

    @Jeff Welch wrote:

    Jeff, I’ve never used the magnetic sensors, but most likely the obscuring time is the problem. I’d guess you’re right that you need to be shorter than the shortest sector.


    Does that mean you’ve gotten sector times with multiple beacons or that you have never gathered sector time data? Just curious if I’ll be able to learn much from looking at this stuff. I’ve seen mention of “theoretical” best lap, combining your best 3 sectors and having that to work towards.

    Jeff Welch

    I have never gathered sector time data. What I have done is used an E-Box (with the lateral accelerometer and speed sensors) combined with the AIM software to break the track down into splits based on each individual corner. I think this is more useful than just 3 time splits, but you have to buy an E-Box, which aren’t cheap. Theoretical best lap is extremely valuable.

    Garrick Mitchell

    @jibco wrote:

    Do I need to turn down the obscuring time to below the shortest sector time? I think that is what I was missing.

    Bingo! Obscuring Time set to x = “Ignore all inputs for x seconds after the last signal was received.”


    our micron 4 started acting odd several weeks locks up when we try to retrieve data and seems to not hold any lap time except the current one..tried new batteries..perhaps will try updating firmware on internet..then call has worked flawlessly for 2 seasons..driving us crazy..hard to monitor rpms and temp this way..

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