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    Just found out my helmet needs to be replaced, my question to the group is:

    Which helmet do you use…..brand….snell rating M, SA or K and why. The problem I am having is between M rating and Sa rating, as most of you know there is quite a bit of price diffence between the two.

    Do the tracks accept a M rated helmet?

    Im not sure what I want to buy just needing some advice


    Fuzz Motorpsorts
    4 cycle #16

    stacey cook


    Check out the Zamps.. they are very affordable and great helmets.. http://www.zamp-racing.net/

    We have them in stock at GJMS…

    Garrick Mitchell

    For what it’s worth… CSC rules say thusly:

    2.2.1 Helmets: Must be a full face helmet designed for kart or open wheel auto racing. Must meet Snell K-98, M95, or SA 95 standards or better. Note: the chin bar must be an integral part of the helmet structure. Motocross style bolt on chin and face protectors do not meet these Snell standards.

    As for brand/model, try some on and see what fits best within your wallet’s capacity. I’m running an HJC CL-SP and have been happy with it, although (knock on wood) I haven’t really tested its capabilities… 😯

    Rick Schmidt

    I have a leather one from my old racing days. You’re more than welcome to use it.

    Rick Schmidt


    Just stand the head in your avatar up with photo shop. 😉

    Jeff Field

    I think I’m getting an HJC AR-11 for this year.

    I’d been using a M rated helmet I got for track lapping days (street cars).

    Troy Smith


    I use a Bell GTX. Love the helmet w/ one caveat…the lower extension on the front hits my neck collar (which is tall) when I turn my head. I will probably use a smaller neck collar this year to alleviate the mild discomfort after a few hours at the track.

    As good natured as I can make this sound…”$5 head, $5 helmet…how much is your head worth?” Seriously, there are many other pieces of equipment you can change out later…don’t skimp on the brain bucket. As I’ve read above, you are getting great advice…go with what is the most protective and most comfortable ~ that’s why they call them “accidents” and not “purposes”.

    Happy equipment shopping.



    Well i was told by ImI that the snell 95 were no longer acceptable per WKA rules…..only snell 2000 and up…mine is a SA95 so I figured I would buy a new one.

    Rick does that leather one come with a scarf….you one of the real long ones I can flip over my shoulder like a pilot and goggles.

    So the CSC rules read that and other racing bodies say something else………..well Im not sure who to listen too about the rating. I know snell says you should replace the helmet every five years if I listen to that its time.

    Keep giving me advice Im listening.


    Fuzz Motorsports
    4 cycle #16

    Rick Schmidt

    by fuzzy on Mon 01 14, 2008 2:11 pm

    Rick does that leather one come with a scarf….you one of the real long ones I can flip over my shoulder like a pilot and goggles.


    Fuzz Motorsports
    4 cycle #16

    It used to. I fact I havent seen that in a while? I think it got tangled in my chain or something.

    by TG Smith on Mon 01 14, 2008 2:04 pm

    As good natured as I can make this sound…”$5 head, $5 helmet…how much is your head worth?” Seriously, there are many other pieces of equipment you can change out later…don’t skimp on the brain bucket.

    You porr guys, having to wear a helmet and everything. All I have to do is put a Bell sticker on my forehead. (or 5 head as my Dad teases me) (or “Rick you have a forehead all the way to your a$$, a my cousin teases me) Wait… Everybody teases me about my slightly thinning on top head.

    Oh well. Seems I even do it. :bang

    Garrick Mitchell

    @Rick Schmidt wrote:


    Just stand the head in your avatar up with photo shop. 😉

    Ya know, I actually considered that as a stopgap measure ’til I can get back out on the track. That was the only decent shot my wife got (the sun was going down fast). [EDIT: Done!]

    Maybe I’ll just start wearing two neck braces stacked on one another. :joker

    Rick Schmidt

    Put that piece of wood thing in your lip to match your new “longer neck”.

    Joe Rosse

    I think there are three major differences between “M” (or motorcycle) and SA (or special application) helmets: the SA helmet is fire-retardant and also tested for repetitive (vs. single) blows, since it’s intended for auto racing where the helmet is likely to clunk against a roll bar. The M helmet may have a larger viewing port (on the assumption that more peripheral vision is a good thing on the road, but not so necessary on a track.) The “K” designation was intended specifically for karting, but I’ve never heard of any real differences between it and an M helmet (nor have I seen very many of them around.) I believe you’ll find that all three designations are accepted in karting, as long as they’re of appropriate vintage. (I THINK that’s 98 for K and 2000 for M, but you’d be wise to double-check that.)

    We’ve had Bieffe, Zamp, and HJC helmets and fortunately never had to really test any of them. But the Zamp had problems with the vents breaking off in record time. (To their credit, Zamp did offer to send replacement vents.)

    Curt Kistler

    Great question Fuzzy. This is something that will be inspected prior to all CSC races this season. Please make sure that the SNELL rating is still attached to the helmet, and the rest of the helmet & visor are in good condition. Without the proper rating you will be forced to find another bucket for your dome prior to taking the track.

    We will also be looking at proper rear number plate color, transponder mounting, lead mounting, safety wire, double nuts, fluid containment and a few other things the CSC has been loose on in past years.

    Step it up gang, there is a new sherrif in town, and he learned from the best.

    Mike Jansen

    Hey Sheriff, I mean Sheriff (I’ve been watching, i say I’ve been watching a lot of Foghorn Leghorn lately) 😀
    what I want to know is what is the proper way to position your transponder?

    I say thankyou, I say Thank you in advance…

    Rick Schmidt

    Great question Fuzzy. This is something that will be inspected prior to all CSC races this season. Please make sure that the SNELL rating is still attached to the helmet, and the rest of the helmet & visor are in good condition. Without the proper rating you will be forced to find another bucket for your dome prior to taking the track.

    We will also be looking at proper rear number plate color, transponder mounting, lead mounting, safety wire, double nuts, fluid containment and a few other things the CSC has been loose on in past years.

    Step it up gang, there is a new sherrif in town, and he learned from the best.


    Are you really going to be checking for “double nuts” before each Csc race? 😳

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