Colorado Springs, CO ~ A new kart racing group—the Rocky Mountain Kart Racing Association (RMKRA)—is being formed to provide a new venue for new and experienced karters.
The RMKRA has several goals, the first being to put the fun back in kart racing. Rather than focusing on 6-8 formal race weekends each year that leave little time for anything other than practicing and racing, the RMKRA plans to devote one Saturday or Sunday each month to getting together to race for the fun of it, in a “run what ya brung” format. Some of these races would be held at SBR Motorsports Park, but others would be held at other tracks across Colorado.
Another goal of the RMKRA is to provide a family friendly environment that encourages new drivers, especially the younger ones, to become a part of the kart racing community. A code of conduct and rules will be established to help ensure that everyone treats other racers, participants and facilities with respect at all events.
The RMKRA is intended to be all-inclusive—whether your kart is brand new or vintage, you race on asphalt or dirt, ovals or road courses, you can find others in the association that share your interests.
The RMKRA will use SBR Motorsports Park as its “home” track, but SBR management won’t be an official part of the association. Some RMKRA members will likely participate in Rok the Rockies races held at SBR; other members may drive in The Colorado Karting Tour races held across the state. And although SBR doesn’t have a dirt or oval track yet, all members would be welcome to come to SBR for the barbecues held on race days.
For more information regarding the goals of the RMKRA or to find out how to help get it rolling please e-mail Brooks Myers at [email protected].
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