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    Jim Keesling

    Hi Angie,

    Can you please describe the difference between “News” and “Information” that would go under a topic header you have created on this forum?

    It seems that most of the “News” is not really news and should be placed under a topic header you have already have.

    I’m wondering how anyone other than what you choose to support could get a story on the “News” section.

    Just looking for the guidelines on your forum.

    The Mile High Challenge, and Racing the Rockies has had its schedule and locations out for over two months now without any mention in “News”, however “thinking of having a meeting” makes a front page story? How much does that cost, and where can I get a list of fees?

    Always reviewing my advertising options.


    Rodney Ebersole

    This is the instructions that I read about getting news posted Jim. Have you tried that?

    “Karting news posted by administration. If you have something that should go here, please email admin.”

    IMO Messages and News should include the persons name that wrote it. I just hate getting updated, about something I love doing, by something that could be just be a racing bot message.

    Angie MacEwen

    @Jim Keesling wrote:

    Hi Angie,

    Can you please describe the difference between “News” and “Information” that would go under a topic header you have created on this forum?

    It seems that most of the “News” is not really news and should be placed under a topic header you have already have.

    I’m wondering how anyone other than what you choose to support could get a story on the “News” section.

    Just looking for the guidelines on your forum.

    The Mile High Challenge, and Racing the Rockies has had its schedule and locations out for over two months now without any mention in “News”, however “thinking of having a meeting” makes a front page story? How much does that cost, and where can I get a list of fees?

    Always reviewing my advertising options.


    Fair enough question Jim, and I appologize for any inconvenience or confusion. Rodney is right on this. If you have a press release you want to go on the News section, then send it to me. I don’t think I have ever turned one down. And I don’t charge anything. I would actually appreciate if more people would send me press releases. Whether it be team news, driver news (one coming tomorrow), series, or track news… I will post it . I suppose now I will get slammed with stuff that has no business being on the front page news, so I will make a disclaimer that I do have the right to refuse to post it, or ask that it be edited before posting. I don’t think that will be a problem, or at least it hasn’t yet.

    I am sorry I didn’t make the decision to copy your schedule to the News section when you posted it. That would have been a good idea, if I had thought of it, or if someone had sent me a reminder to do it.

    You might be right, I might put stuff in the News that should be under another heading, but I like to see some different things on the front page. It gets stale after a while without having some new “news”. I don’t always have the time to write it myself or dig it up, sometimes I do, and other times I don’t.

    From the beginning with this site, I have tried to keep it open to ALL of Colorado karting. I am certainly open to ideas and suggestions. You should know this, as you are one of several people who encouraged me to make everyone use their real names on the site. I know we still have some folks that haven’t been switched over, but I continue to work on it – and I appreciate the suggestion. Along those lines, Rodney is right. I should remember to post the information on who actually writes the news article and where they can be contacted, as they are all posted by me.

    Doug Haner


    Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the work you put in on the site, and elsewhere, for all the Colorado Karters.

    Tony LaPorta


    Just wanted to echo Doug’s comments. While a few of us can get caught up in petty little things that just dont matter, nearly all of us take advantage of a great site and a great admin.
    You have, and CONTINUE to do so much for colorado karting in an effort to better it.

    So thank your for all you do for us absent minded racers.

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