New to karting/colorado!

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    Hey guys

    I just moved to casle rock (from florida) about 3 weeks ago and absolutely love it here!

    I have been wanting to get into karting for a while now, and am going to go ahead and start looking for a TAG kart. As soon as I get my car up here and get a trailer, I will start shopping around.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am going to try and make it up the The Track at Centennial next race day and just try and meet some of the local karters, and bombard you guys with some questions :mrgreen:

    Hope to be racing with you all soon :cheers:



    Welcome to a great community, I have been fortunate to be part of it since 2005 and I enjoy every moment at the track off the track, discussing and learning everything there is to learn about Karting.

    Stop by the track and see us the next race at IMI (August 5th )

    Now tell us more about your Karting class and your goals………….

    Again Welcome to the Mile High Series.


    Hey man thanks for the welcome

    As far as my class goes, im still not 100% sure on how all the classes work, so I’m still learning that.

    Basiacaly, I am taking some time from school to get into as much racing as possible. Over the next year or so, I was planning on saving up enough to pay my way through the skip barber national (the one in which if you win you get the following year paid in the star mazda series). I know its a long shot but hey you only live once.

    But before I do any of that, I wanted to get into karting. With it being pretty much the best form of competitive racing out there without building a race car. I know picking up sponsorship in karting is very difficult, but that was going to be one of my goals as well. Basically, I just want to get as far as I can, but if I dont get past karting, and it just stays as a hobby, that would be fine wih me becasue racing is the one thing I love more than anything in life (besides the family of course 😀 )

    I wanted to get into karting years ago, before I even had my lisence but my parents would not let me becasue of the danger. Which I dont blame them for I know it can be dangerous, and they worry. Alot.

    But thats pretty much it man. I know alot of people tell me im 19 and to old to really get anywhere in racing, but I really try to ignore that becasue I dont think its 100% true. I will come out on that next track date and talk to you all and learn more about the classes before making any purchase. :cheers:

    Mike Jansen

    @Fifthgen wrote:

    I wanted to get into karting years ago, before I even had my lisence but my parents would not let me becasue of the danger. Which I dont blame them for I know it can be dangerous, and they worry. Alot.

    You can get killed crossing the street
    You can get killed coaching a baseball game
    You could be a pilot

    When it’s your time it’s your time… IMO…


    @Mike Jansen wrote:

    @Fifthgen wrote:

    I wanted to get into karting years ago, before I even had my lisence but my parents would not let me becasue of the danger. Which I dont blame them for I know it can be dangerous, and they worry. Alot.

    You can get killed crossing the street
    You can get killed coaching a baseball game
    You could be a pilot

    When it’s your time it’s your time… IMO…

    I couldnt agree with you more bro, but this is the thing. Every mother on my moms side of the family has had a son that is dead, paralized, or in a coma due to some sort of racing related incident, from cars, karts to bikes. If Im correct the tally is up to 5 of those, not sure which one is which though. So my mom basicaly never wanted to see what happened to them, happen to me.

    Both of my parents are very supportive about this now, I think they were just worried before becasue I was still very young. But thats over with now and its time I start karting, and thats what matters :driver

    Tony LaPorta

    “Every mother on my moms side of the family has had a son that is dead, paralized, or in a coma due to some sort of racing related incident, from cars, karts to bikes”

    Wow if that is’nt some kinda omen. I really dont know what is 😯

    Road Runner
    TaG Jr#20
    Hold it wide open, Turn, and hope it sticks


    ^^ Haha, I know right. Of course, at the risk of sounding like a a$$, they all did reall stupid stuff. My one cousin was driving a go kart in illinois (just a regular one, not a shifter or anytihng) on the street when he got hit by a semi.

    Thats obviously somthing I would never do.

    But back to karting, I was thinking of getting any of the italkrt chasis to start. Do you all think that is a pretty good chasis all in all? Also, I see alot about rotax, now is that like a class that you can run in that ONLY allows rotax? If so would I be better off going with that motor so I can run more races?

    Tony LaPorta

    The Italkart is a great kart. In fact hopfuly I will be switching to the supersonic V ItalKart chassis for next season. if you are looking at the italkart call Tim George at SAC. In response about the rotax and running it sepreatley, go watch the Rmax nationals in a few weeks at The track at Cenntenial.
    But personaly as a rotax driver myself, and NOT competing in Rmax, but competing in the club series and a field with a mix of any motor of choice. I end up getting beaten by the leapord. I will also be making the change to the leapord. but if u want to make it to a national level Rmax is one of the best ways.

    Just the little knowledge i have on this awsesome sport. any info that is wrong, anyone please correct me. wouldnt want to give any wrong info.

    Road Runner
    TaG Jr #20
    Hold it wide open, turn, and hope it sticks


    Roadrunner, thanks for the info man I really appreciate it :cheers:

    Now how hard is it to swap out motors on a kart? Are there people out there that will swap motors so they can compete in both series? Or do the races take place right after eachother, so that just wouldnt be possible?

    Tony LaPorta

    Most people that I know that race the two classes actually own two karts. Now I, racing out of my very own pocket, and as a Kid know how crazy that seems. But these past couple of months with the club races being Rmax qualifying races as well, most my friends would jump out of their Roatx and get in their leapords for tag racing. But it sounds like the 2 kart thing might be hard for you to manage, yes there are people who will change motors. but actually ive only been in this sport for half a year and i can take a motor off and put another one on in a hour or two. but you know those big time guys can do it in half that.
    In my mind you really cant run the Rmax and TaG unless you have two diffrent karts.

    Now this is a question i have. If you run TaG with a Rotax, can you race your TaG in Rmax. Isnt there mechanical changes, besides the tire change? :idn:


    Road Runner
    TaG Jr #20
    Hold it wide open, Turn, And hope it sticks


    Haha, wow, seems like theres still alot of stuff I need to learn as far as classes go before I buy anything :loony:

    As far as 2 karts go, I could definitely see going that way some time from now when I get more into it.

    Thanks for the info RR, definitely gave me some insight


    Great to hear you are so interested in our sport! There is a lot of information out there and, unfortunatly, you sometimes have to dig for it. I have been racing for 9 years now, started in karting, went to SCCA, and am now back in karting (with the occasional SCCA dable). The karting community is a great community, and especialy here in colorado, it is strong. Welcome!!! I hope that I can provide some insight for you in the future. Please give me a call or shoot me an e-mail sometime and I would be more than happy to share my experince with you. Earlier this year I started to offer my services as a Coach through my new company Karting Coach. I hope that I can be of service to you and help you make some well educated decisions.


    Thanks for the welcome and offer to help, I will definitely be contacting you, probably a few times haha :cheers:

    And ya, I have been reading through alot of posts on here and it has been very informative. The people here all seem very nice and helpful as well.

    Its funny though becasue that is the one thing I have noticed since moving here. Although I have only been here a few weeks now, the mantality and over all attitude of the ppl here are great! Everyone here just seems so much more relaxed, laid back, and just alot nicer as opposed to where I came from. Not to bash florida, but I sware the majority there were extremely rude and comfrontational. I am very glad I moved , and I know I will enjoy it here 8)

    Tony LaPorta
    Fifthgen wrote:
    Everyone here just seems so much more relaxed, laid back,)

    That changes a little once on the track 😆

    Road Runner
    TaG Jr #20
    Rubbins Racin


    Haha, Im sure it does. But im also sure once off the track it goes back to one big happy family lol 😀

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