First race

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  • #42744
    Tony LaPorta

    Wow, great weekend. Wish I could have raced.
    Lap times looked fast and karts looked good.
    Today I was helping work the corners for the race, and I realized something with darn near every big class (Tag jr, sr ,master).
    And the thing i saw so much of was that no one seems to know what the blue and yellow flag means.
    Some kids are thinking it means slow down, some kids are thinking it means swerve around and make it as hard as possible to pass me, and then some of the fast kids behind these recipients think it means that those kids should instantley get out of their way.
    I think we need a bit of a “Refresher” on flags and a few saftey precatuions at the next race at IMI.
    I saw drivers that should have won today have the victory taken right away from them because the lappers dont know what to do. (I know I know, thats just racing)
    But i am not pointing a finger at all, at those slower kids, i know exactley what their going through, i got the blue and yellow all the time last year. 😆
    I’m not pointing the finger at anyone, I just think we all need a refresher to get the early season jitters out.

    But like always I could be wrong.

    Road Runner out


    And your interpretation of what the blue and yellow means is……….

    Just curious, there was a huge thread on this on EKN last year.

    Tony LaPorta

    Ken, what i have always been taught by Ian and his saftey crew is this,
    If you are given the blue and yellow flag maintain YOUR line and stay smooth and let the karts behind you get around you.

    And i think this is the best explanation there is, because it makes the slower karts know they have to be calm and not over react, and it makes the faster karts know that it’s their job to get around the slower kart.


    You as the slower driver can point to which side you are going to let the pass occur.


    @Road Runner wrote:

    Ken, what i have always been taught by Ian and his saftey crew is this,
    If you are given the blue and yellow flag maintain YOUR line and stay smooth and let the karts behind you get around you.

    And i think this is the best explanation there is, because it makes the slower karts know they have to be calm and not over react, and it makes the faster karts know that it’s their job to get around the slower kart.

    Exactly……Glad to see this is how the safety crew is teaching drivers to respond to the blue/yellow. Had this discussion a couple of years ago after a race. A parent came over and got in my face because my son didnt MOVE OVER to let him by. Quickest way to cause a wreck.

    We are running ovals now and when they wave the blue/yellow they are usually also pointing you down to the inside of the straight. I actually dont agree with it because if the faster car doesnt get the pass made before the corner he will most likley be making the corner entry to put him right in the same spot you are. One of the nice things where run now is that we run radio systems and I can tell my son what line to run to let a faster car by if we need to.

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