We got to sample Unser RAcing last night

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    Doug Welch

    Once they open, this is a must go. The track actually requires a driver. The karts are quick and way to fast to flat foot the track. You actually have to use the brakes!

    They should be open in a few days. By the way, Jeff set quick time for the evening.

    Mike Jansen


    Gas or electric? And do you go up the ramps and such? More details please…

    Doug Welch

    14hp Stratos karts, 31second laps, 8 minute sessions. Greg pucked the crank out the front of the engine on one of them! All on the second floor but they plan more tracks, first and third floors. The place is really nice. It should open for paying customers later next week.

    Garrick Mitchell

    Woooooow… Powerful karts for an indoor track! 😯 :clap: 9 hp was the most I remember seeing indoors.

    Doug Welch

    Greg just took the track record this morning. Anyone want to go take it? They are now open for business.

    Jon Romenesko

    Cool. Definitely going this weekend!

    Rick Schmidt

    Doug Welch
    Posted: Sat 10 16, 2010 7:02 pm

    Re: We got to sample Unser RAcing last night
    14hp Stratos karts, 31second laps, 8 minute sessions. Greg pucked :puke the crank out the front of the engine on one of them!

    Are they new machines Doug? Seems kind of early on to be getting bad press!


    Doug Welch


    The karts are used but in really great shape. They do have new Sodis coming. You know Greg, the kid can blowup anything no matter how new or bullet proof! The holes in my wallet are proof the kid is heck on engines!

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