Leopard clutch keeps breaking

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    Larry Natzke

    On my 3rd clutch in 2 years. Lots of life (pad) left when break occurs. Probably 4-5 hours of use. I try to keep roller bearing clean and lubed, but maybe not as often as I should.

    Is this a known weak part or am I doing or not doing something to cause this recurring failure ?

    C Kistler

    @Larry Natzke wrote:

    On my 3rd clutch in 2 years. Lots of life (pad) left when break occurs. Probably 4-5 hours of use. I try to keep roller bearing clean and lubed, but maybe not as often as I should.

    Is this a known weak part or am I doing or not doing something to cause this recurring failure ?

    Stop trail braking.

    Greg Welch

    Larry, check the drum. If the drum has significant wear on it, the shoes will have to open too far to reach it and it will break the clutch.

    Larry Natzke

    My clutch woes continue.
    New clutch lasted about 20 laps.
    All 3 pads seperated from the housing.
    Bad glue?

    Working with distributor in Canada for a warranty replacement.
    Seems there have been some manufacturing quality problems in recent past.

    Larry Natzke

    Factory is sending me a warranty replacement part. Kudos IAME.

    Pads that seperated from the clutch are still in good condition. Wondering if glueing them back on somehow would be successful…or a bad thing to try. Any suggestion on a type of glue?

    Joe Rosse

    Maybe check with a brake place–I wonder if the “glue” would be the same as that used for bonding brake pads? You might check with Zach at Friction Systems, 6125 W 59th Ave, Arvada, CO 80003, (720) 898-4454. They’ve been very helpful in the past.

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