Junior 2 Gearing

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  • #87764
    Casey Barnes

    Looking for a starting point for the 5 tracks we go to in Colorado for the lo206 Junior 2 class. (Action, IMI, SBR, PPIR and GJMS) My nephew got a kart and I am trying to get them off on the right foot with what extras to get but being a ka100 guy I have no clue where to start with the lo206 gearing. The kart is currently set up with a #35 chain.


    Hi Casey,

    Eric here with TCK and Point Karting. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I can get you set up with our current gearing chart with starting recommendations. A suite of 10 rear sprockets paired with the appropriate front sprocket will have you set up for all Colorado tracks 🙂

    Great question and for anyone else looking for the same info reach out to us anytime! I would post the chart here but want to provide the most accurate information as things change over time, as the gearing changes slightly over time.

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