Hey, me too!

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  • #42286

    Like Fifthgen, I too am new to the Colorado Karting community.

    I am looking to join in the racing fun. I have a somewhat new (just a few auto-x runs on it) CRG chassis, with a honda 125cc shifter motor set up for spec moto on it.

    If it sounds like I don’t know what I am talking about, that is because I am WAY new to this type of racing and don’t really know JACK!

    I just want to race!

    I will not be ready to race by the 5th, but I will come down and introduce myself to ya.

    Any advice for a newbie?

    Joe Hawley

    Welcome, it’s great to see all the new folks coming into the sport. This is my first fill year in the Tag Masters series and it’s great fun. Hope to meet you at the track on the 5th. P.S. I also live in Loveland so if you’d like to get together some time send me a note.

    Mike Jansen

    I’ll make this short, sweet and to the point:

    Internet is fine but belly to belly with racers is better. Y’all get your butts to the tracks and come up and introduce yourselves. Most of us don’t bite and we’d be happy to answer your questions.

    There, I gave my .02…


    stacey cook


    Welcome to Colorado karting.. alot of great people… If you need any help or parts for your CRG please give us a callas we are a full service CRG Dealer and would love to help..

    Critical Zone @Grand Jucntion Motor Speedway

    Tony LaPorta

    Most of us Mike, Most of us. 😆

    Road Runner
    TaG Jr #20
    Hold it wide open, Turn, and hope it sticks


    Welcome bro!

    Guess Ill see ya on the 5th :cheers:

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