Hey Jansen,,, your Mom wears combat boots

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    Rick Schmidt

    The old forum seems a little slow, thought I’d stir it up a little.

    Sounds like Rock island was fun but difficult! Kyle got him a top 10, Dale got messed up before the green flag dropped. Not sure about Samu.

    Rotax was 1/2 a millimeter away from a beautiful day for us starting inside 3rd row. (vs 27th…yuck) But was fun anyway. Conner & Kyle rocked it for us. And some of our local racers had good showings. Barry climbed all over that Rotax tuning and made the big boys a little nervous for sure.

    Looking forward to Grand Junction as much as any race this year. It’s going to be a great way to settle some battles. And it’s so much fun to hang with the west slopers. Not sure my body is ready for golf yet, but may go along and hold someones beer.

    Tag Worlds should be great as well. Brads asphalt contractor will get it right this time. Brad has probably gotten himself a pretty good education on what proper asphalt composition is and there is no way out for the guys doing the paving. Hopefully this race has a good out of state draw. Sounds like it might. 4 stroke is going to be killer. The big guys are going to have to look at racing this class with some of Colorado’s best super pro’s (light weight too) racing, it’s going to be tough. Hopefully the counts are there to run a light and heavy class because that’s how it is going to shake out on track anyway.

    The Super Nationals are going to be awesome this year as well. Our Blue Team is coming in with guns blazing. Shooting to have a good time.

    Looking forward to running with some of the new guys. There are a pretty good number coming in. I know I have been talking to quite a few new racers that are going to be competitve in the next year. It will be cool and if you stop and think about it, we had a lot of new blood this year.

    Mg is still the best tire and they know how to tae care of their customers.

    And Mikes MOm wears combat boots. AND, Scooter get heated hot dogs and caviar for dinner 😀

    Regards, Rick

    Brad Linkus

    There is a situation with Jansen that you should know about. He has been manipulating the kid kart class using Scooter as a bribe. There should be a rule against this! I heard it was good for two spots the last race.

    Mike Jansen

    Scooter is used to heated water and turkey hot dogs (keeps her figure slim) for dinner. She knows what she likes and doesn’t like.

    AND she’s the carrot for certain drivers that need pushing. A little bribe here and there’s a good thing isn’t it (see New Jersey politics for the answer) 8)

    My A game will be on at Grand Junction. I’ve got a P1 to take overall. I’ve got a job to do. I really wish I’d have NOT blistered a tire at the last CSC but that’s racing. I gave a clinic on how to be wide. I’ve taken notes from Warrington on that…

    Only a few more weeks. I’ve got testing and tuning to do at IMI this weekend… Brad, the track is open, correct? When is repaving going to occur?

    Oh, and Scooter sends her love. She got a haircut and she looks hot in doggie hotness…


    @Rick Schmidt wrote:

    Tag Worlds should be great as well. Brads asphalt contractor will get it right this time. Brad has probably gotten himself a pretty good education on what proper asphalt composition is and there is no way out for the guys doing the paving.

    When is the repave of the repave happening?

    Mike Jansen

    Yes, Scooter asked me last night when she can drive the wheels off a kart at IMI. Blisters and all…

    Rick Schmidt

    Tentative for next Monday, think Brad is still working out details making sure their approach is going to be the best racing surface long term.

    Rick Schmidt

    Looks like Scooter has a little abnormal wear on the left front. And are those motorcycle hand grips on the rear feet?

    Kirk Deason

    You know, I’ve missed bashing on Jansen too. Thanks Rick, for starting this great thread! And it HAS been eerily quiet on here lately. *crickets chirping*

    Rick Schmidt


    Here is some footage of Jansen performing some of his tremendous blocking techniques and the aftermath of what happened to him “making his kart wide”


    Turn the sound down!

    It’s some kind of Nationals Mike was running in. Uncle Dad nationals or something like that!

    Uh yea, Warrington is wide AND clean.


    Hey King Mike There will be more than just you with there A game at the CSC at GJMS you might want to consider ROMAN,RON, JAY,TOM ,TROY AND JIM K also are UTAH BRO so you might better bring your A+ game because it might get real interesting if you think you got a lock on anything!! So good luck to all looking forward see you all at the Premier Kart Track of the western slope sincerely JED(AKA bob reed)

    Mike Jansen


    I’m not even touching that one, to do so would be an insult to my intelligence.
    I just gave a proven cheater some of his own medicine and he acted like a whinging baby. Funny I wasn’t shown a rolled nor a black flag period. But good try anyway the Oscars are only a few months away.

    If you can’t stand the heat, get out the kitchen. Nuff said.

    Rick Schmidt

    Mike Jansen
    PostPosted: I’m not even touching that one, to do so would be an insult to my intelligence.

    It’s certainly in your best interest not to touch that one!!!

    Poorest example I’ve seen to new karters since we’ve started racing this time around! I had a first year racer standing next to me. How do you explain that one? A wide kart is one thing, but come on…Intelligence?

    Mike Jansen
    I just gave a proven cheater some of his own medicine and he acted like a whinging baby.

    Not sure how you’ve shown a proven cheater anything, or if it’s your place to judge “proven cheaters”, or who left you in charge of showing” proven cheaters” anything. To place a racer in danger to show them a lesson, shame on you. Is it your place to sentence a “proven cheater” Mike? I thought you were an ambassador of this sport. I’m a little disappointed.

    Again, you should have been rolled or pulled (in my opinion) at the last race. period (in your heart is showing someone a lesson worthy of that?) That “proven cheater” may actually a better sportsman than you. You could have watched the race from the infield… (again). But the “proven cheater” chose to beat you on your own terms, and walk away. But nice example Mike.

    Mike Jansen posted: the Oscars are only a few months away

    Really, where you just practicing the Oscar performance in Grand Junction last race? Throwing things around your pit is just a part of racing. Right?. A starter not working is worthy of an Oscar tantrum. If any of my team were throwing things around like that. We’d be done racing. period Again, nice example. Can’t believe a racer who came from being an “also ran” last year to a “contender” this year would be so quick to judge those who’ve brought them there. Particularly with some of my components still rolling around on that kart! (?) Whats up with that? It’s going to take more than an “A” game at this point Mike.

    If that’s the way it is. After all, Roman is a known cheater (1/2 mm too wide at the Grands?) He certainly is a “proven cheater” who does not have permission to show you a lesson. (your own medicine) But certainly has permission to take you to school. As does Ron, Tom, Jim, Louis, Troy etc.., who may have taken you to school earlier this season. The old “I’ll take being lucky” ain’t going to get her done this time. Don’t forget the spoilers and get cocky yet!

    Mike Jansen
    If you can’t stand the heat, get out the kitchen.

    You haven’t seen heat yet. The gifts are over! Hope your kitchen aint touching my kitchen!

    Mike Jansen
    PostPosted: Nuff said.

    Yes. Nuff said!

    Love this racing stuff!



    mike you shouldnt make accusations about cheaters you should try saying thanks to rick ,aj and all the rest from team GP and rick is right about no gifts at GJ this time and you and your attitude has hung a target on your back and dont get me wrong ron wont wreck you but i cant speak for others and your not the most loved guy in tag masters i think ole george bush could beat you in a popularity contest you have made yourself one hell of a bed to sleep in!! jed

    Mike Jansen

    I”d stake my reputation any day. Last time I looked the monograms on my shirt didn’t have the initials JC. So yea, I’m not perfect. So sue me. I think day in and day out I’ve proven my mettle and my character. I can’t say that for others.

    The truth hurts sometimes but it will set you free. This isn’t a popularity contest to quote someone near and dear to your heart.

    Wow, I thought we were racing and a Jerry Springer episode broke out.


    stacey cook

    Did I miss something?

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