Happy day at the races!

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    Rick Schmidt

    Why is this man smiling?

    Rick Schmidt

    I can clearly pick out 3 reasons!!!

    Rick Schmidt

    Congrats to Ron Reed. A double podium after a little dry spell must feel good. You are a true competitor on and off the track.

    Don’t tell these 2 they are too big to race karts!!!

    There is a lot of heart standing there!!!

    Rick Schmidt

    Strutting his iron!

    Great job of preparing (Bob) and driving (Ron) and cheering (Sophie and just about everyone who knows Ron) and all those cheering for Ron with hands high overhead during trophy presentation. Just about choked me up to tell you the truth.

    Must be getting old and soft. By the way, going to be a Grandpa here in 3 days. Whoa!


    May be looking for a kid in a few years!


    THANKS for the kind words and the pics sunday was a very good day at the races not only for RON but also for THE BILANDS in the tag masters. 1,2,3 on the podium !! Also having Ron hit the 54rs in the Vampire first time ever we could still see KYLE RAY, GREG WELCH, AND ROMAN in a good field.To BLINK AND RICK we owe you bothfor help on and off the track sincerely jed p.s. KING JANSEN we will be looking for you at the TRACK !!

    Mike Jansen

    To paraphrase Bert Lahr (that’s the lion from The Wizard of Oz to you non movie watchers)
    La la la la…

    If I
    Was the king
    of the forrrrrrrest…
    Not queen
    Not prince
    Not Duke….

    Ron and Bob, It’s always great to see smiling faces on the podium. The work, sacrifice and effort to get there always makes me wonder why more people don’t smile or beam when they’re up there! Especially after a hot weekend like last! Good job.

    Rick, err, Grandpa, err, prunesman, err Smokey…
    Thanks for sharing the photos.

    Once my starter is up and running I look forward to playing “Gladiator” on the track. I really missed dicing it up over the weekend and watching (no matter what class it is) instead of participating just stinks… But having a cold one while you’re all working does have its advantages…


    Rick Schmidt

    Mike Jansen Posted: Wed 06 27, 2007 9:14 am Post subject:

    To paraphrase Bert Lahr (that’s the lion from The Wizard of Oz to you non movie watchers)
    La la la la…

    If I
    Was the king
    of the forrrrrrrest…
    Not queen
    Not prince
    Not Duke….

    Stick with queen Mike.

    Dan Peterson

    RONNIE IS A STAR !!!!!!!!

    WHAT’S UP LIZ ??????

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