CSC 2006 Schedule

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    Greg Johnson

    Angie, I’m in. I’ll bet I can get most of us 4-strokes to show.Probabaly be one of the biggest classes also.

    Joe Rosse


    There may be more than just one or two folks going to the Rotax GNs this year. Last year was a bit unusual, with only two of us going, I think partly because of the distance to South Bend and partly because of the MoJo rule. :bs: I believe there were at least 7 Coloradans at the GNs in Las Vegas the year before, and quite a few the year before that at Denton. As you pointed out in another post, having the GNs in our (extended) back yard–Miller Motorsports in Salt Lake City–may make it much more attractive this year, as will the local option to use YHCs. :sun:

    stacey cook

    Joe, I tend to agree to you.. We are considering going next year and with our plans of running the Rmax series at GJMS I hope we can drag more with us….

    Mike Jansen


    July 2 USGP Formula One :bang
    Memorial Day weekend Indy 500

    everything else is just peanuts…

    Schedule looks good. Hope we can pull off Steamboat…

    Mike Jansen

    Putting these dates in my palm pilot and here are the additional conflicts:

    who thought of this schedule???

    4/23 San Marino Grand Prix
    5/7 European Grand Prix
    6/11 British GP
    9/10 Italian GP
    10/1 Japanese GP


    Jim Keesling

    Oh my gosh… every date we choose ends in a “y”. yikes!!!
    (sunday, sunday, sunday, sunday, sunday…)Stop the presses!!!
    (he, he)
    Jim :k



    Since the track should be open for the 2006 race year are you going to run jr1 comer 80 and novice shifter class for club racing? The reason I ask is if I can afford to make the STARS races this year we are going. I find it interesting that there was a lot of posts about what the schedule was going to be for the CSC, and everybody elses schedules were posted first. The CSC not taking into account some of the other major events? “FOOLISH ON THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!”. As it stands right now assuming I can afford to attend STARS the only track that will be punished is IMI since it is there two race days that we will be gone. May or may not race the other CSC events why waste my money to try for a championship when it will be unobtainable? Hope I can get some support by boycotting the CSC on conflicting dates.

    Brian Moore
    Father of Brandon #77 comer 80 and Novice shifter

    P.S. We as racers could make it a six or less event race for a championship if we boycott the other races.

    Jim Keesling

    I will list the classes shortly. To help foster the sport in Colo. it is very important to run what the state series runs.
    The trouble with any National Series is you now have to make a choice. That choice will never go away. Why didn’t we see Levi Roberts all year? His choice was to do the National program, and do it well.
    It doesn’t matter if it’s RMax, Stars, WKA, or the CSC you have a choice.
    I couldn’t do the May 8 race last year and it costs me the chance in TaG Masters. (1 stuck motor at IMI, 1 missed race = 9th)
    Good luck with whatever choice you choose. I hope to see you at the races.

    Marc Elliott

    On behalf of Marc, and unofficially on behalf of RBI, I am hoping that the “powers that be” consider a reschedule of the two IMI dates that conflict with the Stars schedule. That schedule was posted some time ago and I would have hoped that, to the degree possible, there would have been an effort to schedule around the Stars schedule. We are four months from the April weekend that has IMI and Stars, Tucson and eight months away from the August weekend that has IMI and Stars, Sonoma. Moving the April race back to an earlier weekend in April (I recognize that Jim wants the 15th for his Gorilla race), or a later weekend in April, shouldn’t be too difficult this far from those dates and the same is even more true for the August dates(Aug. 6th, 13th or 27th would work).

    In every year of CSC’s existence there has been the effort to accomodate the schedules so as not to conflict with the National events so as to afford the opportunity to any Colorado racer if he/she desires, to race nationally. In fact, in years past, the CSC schedule has had to wait on Stars and SKUSA; this year it was not so difficult since SKUSA has no national series and Stars announced almost a month and a half ago. This compromise by CSC has not, to the best of my knowledge, hurt any driver here in Colorado and has allowed many here to try the competition on a national level. By the way Jim, Levi Roberts could have run CSC if he had so desired as no direct scheduling conflicts existed, thanks to CSC.

    There are a number of drivers impacted by this decision to “NOT” consider the Stars schedule. Some have already spoken, some are mentioned implicitly in Doug’s posts and there are others that I know of who want to do both CSC and Stars. If there are some horrific scheduling issues that make accomodation impossible let me know and I’ll understand. Otherwise, what is the problem picking a couple of different dates for the IMI races, assuming that Brad can accomodate, that are close to the dates just announced. Aside from the drivers, at least for the RBI team, there is the desire to attend each CSC race to support all of it’s customers which becomes impossible if the team itself is in another state.

    We all know the many issues facing this sport and I think we all know how important it is to be inclusive rather than exclusive. I remain hopeful that some compromise can be reached here as to these dates so many months away. It would seem to me, with nothing seemingly cast in stone in terms of the announced dates, that compromises can be reached that allow all Colorado karters to race the CSC and compete nationally if they so desire. I remember last year some posts as to why CSC should accomodate the national schedules and Stacey’s responce to the effect of let’s allow our racers the opportunity to go out and compete on a national level if they want. That’s the same attitude we need now.

    Chuck Elliott

    Tom Dennin

    When was it posted that the Stars series would include a TAG class? I have checked everywhere and can not find that announcement. If this is true, what rules will they be using? TAGUSA, SKUSA/Prokart Challenge????

    I hope The Track can run at least 4 RMC events.


    How about a series where we run 2 at The Track and 2 at Grand Junction the Sat prior to the CSC event. That way no extra expense travel wise would be made to go over the mountains. The 2 in GJ could be part of both the Eastern slope and Western slope series as long as the rules for each were the same ( and brakes). Everyone wins this way. I believe I showed how the races could be done by noon on the Saturdays prior to the CSC event last year. That way everyone would have ample time to practice Sat before the race on Sun for the CSC event.



    Even if 4 RMAX races are made available at GJ or the Track, there are still schedule conflicts with the Western regional and the Grand Nationals. It would be nice if these conflicts would be resolved so that Rotaxians could still have the option to run the CSC and RMax races. Especially this year when the Grand Nationals will be in Utah.


    @Marc Elliott wrote:

    On behalf of Marc, and unofficially on behalf of RBI, I am hoping that the “powers that be” consider a reschedule of the two IMI dates that conflict with the Stars schedule. That schedule was posted some time ago and I would have hoped that, to the degree possible, there would have been an effort to schedule around the Stars schedule. We are four months from the April weekend that has IMI and Stars, Tucson and eight months away from the August weekend that has IMI and Stars, Sonoma. Moving the April race back to an earlier weekend in April (I recognize that Jim wants the 15th for his Gorilla race), or a later weekend in April, shouldn’t be too difficult this far from those dates and the same is even more true for the August dates(Aug. 6th, 13th or 27th would work).

    In every year of CSC’s existence there has been the effort to accomodate the schedules so as not to conflict with the National events so as to afford the opportunity to any Colorado racer if he/she desires, to race nationally. In fact, in years past, the CSC schedule has had to wait on Stars and SKUSA; this year it was not so difficult since SKUSA has no national series and Stars announced almost a month and a half ago. This compromise by CSC has not, to the best of my knowledge, hurt any driver here in Colorado and has allowed many here to try the competition on a national level. By the way Jim, Levi Roberts could have run CSC if he had so desired as no direct scheduling conflicts existed, thanks to CSC.

    There are a number of drivers impacted by this decision to “NOT” consider the Stars schedule. Some have already spoken, some are mentioned implicitly in Doug’s posts and there are others that I know of who want to do both CSC and Stars. If there are some horrific scheduling issues that make accomodation impossible let me know and I’ll understand. Otherwise, what is the problem picking a couple of different dates for the IMI races, assuming that Brad can accomodate, that are close to the dates just announced. Aside from the drivers, at least for the RBI team, there is the desire to attend each CSC race to support all of it’s customers which becomes impossible if the team itself is in another state.

    We all know the many issues facing this sport and I think we all know how important it is to be inclusive rather than exclusive. I remain hopeful that some compromise can be reached here as to these dates so many months away. It would seem to me, with nothing seemingly cast in stone in terms of the announced dates, that compromises can be reached that allow all Colorado karters to race the CSC and compete nationally if they so desire. I remember last year some posts as to why CSC should accomodate the national schedules and Stacey’s responce to the effect of let’s allow our racers the opportunity to go out and compete on a national level if they want. That’s the same attitude we need now.

    Chuck Elliott

    Couldn’t agree with you more.

    Why accomodate our local national racers? Because we should!
    Name another way you’re going to attract attention to Colorado besides showcasing our best talent, with names like Kyle Ray, Marc Elliot, etc.

    If anything, I’d like to see all of us who’d like to race nationally join together as a sort of “Team Colorado”. It’s good for anyone involved….makes our racing more competitive, and is fantastic publicity.

    I say just move one date as a worst case scenario compromise. For sure not everyone is going to race nationally……but my hope is that we could help get more people into attending a few.

    I’m up in the air myself with the STARS series since Easykart got dropped like Jennifer Aniston after Brad met Angelina. Supposedly there will be a “Spec 125” type class. I figure Leopards, Rotaxes, etc……anything that keeps in line with lower-maintance and non-glorified ICA.


    Doug Welch

    Chuck D.

    Stars is going to do a TaG class. At this point, the only engines for sure in the mix are the Leopard, PRD Fireball, Vortex Rok and the EasyKart. I was told that the boost port engines will not be allowed at any weight. Stars wants the Rotax for they know that that is the largest number of Tag engines out there. However, Stars is pay to play. And Rotax ain’t payin! We’ll see who blinks first.

    That is why nothing offical is published, they are still hashing out the details. With Scott out of Dodge for much of the past month, the details didn’t get done. I’ve been assured they will be out around the first of the year but that too could get pushed back.

    I do know for sure that homologated chassis are NOT required for Tag or cadet. Only JICA, ICC and ICA. Easykart owners will be able to dump that POS chassis and mount the engine on a kart that will handle and make all the changes necessary to get it working. I think the EasyKart will be competitive once mounted on a kart that handles.


    @Doug Welch wrote:

    Chuck D.

    Stars is going to do a TaG class. At this point, the only engines for sure in the mix are the Leopard, PRD Fireball, Vortex Rok and the EasyKart. I was told that the boost port engines will not be allowed at any weight. Stars wants the Rotax for they know that that is the largest number of Tag engines out there. However, Stars is pay to play. And Rotax ain’t payin! We’ll see who blinks first.

    That is why nothing offical is published, they are still hashing out the details. With Scott out of Dodge for much of the past month, the details didn’t get done. I’ve been assured they will be out around the first of the year but that too could get pushed back.

    I do know for sure that homologated chassis are NOT required for Tag or cadet. Only JICA, ICC and ICA. Easykart owners will be able to dump that POS chassis and mount the engine on a kart that will handle and make all the changes necessary to get it working. I think the EasyKart will be competitive once mounted on a kart that handles.

    Sweet. I’ve heard all those motors are being thrown in the mix. I think the Easykart motor is still a pretty sweet engine

    pick a jet and run it. I must of had literally 40+hrs before the piston ring gave out.

    You’re definately right…… needs a R32 to mount it to for it to be really competitive. I might try it on a Q31 to see what happens… a buddy of mine has a kart and doesn’t really use it.

    Doug Welch

    Chuck D.

    If you want to run a different chassis, you may want to consider something a bit more flexable than the 32. A kart with a combination of 32, 30 and 28mm tubing should give the best results, particularly a the weight Stars will be running.

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