Contact info for Richie Buxman?

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    Doug Haner

    As the title says, I’m looking for contact information for Richie Buxman. I have his email, but if anybody has his phone # it would be greatly appreciated.

    Taylor Broekemeier

    He moved to Texas, that’s the last I’ve heard about Richie…

    Mike Jansen

    He’s on Facebook, check him out there he’s more apt to respond there…

    Troy Smith

    I have his mobile #. Call me and I’ll give it to you.


    Doug Haner

    Thanks fellas.

    Troy I’ll give you a ring in the morning. Or are you by chance gonna be at the Shockwave Seminar? If so, I’ll be there.

    Troy Smith


    Sorry, I was not able to make the seminar. Give me a call anytime on the cell.

    Doug Haner

    Troy, me neither, something came up. I got a number for him elsewhere that should work though. If not I’ll get in touch. Thanks again.

    Doug Haner


    I’m not having any luck with the number I had and the number Troy had is disonnected.

    I really need to speak with Richie, if any of you have any contact info I’d certainly appreciate it. I’d take Jansen’s advice and try facebook but I don’t have an account there as I find the whole myfaceyspacetwit thing to be silly. I guess I could create an account just to get a hold of Richie, but then I’d have to deal with my thousands of ex’s trying to track me down, and I don’t have the money for any possible child support bills. :loony:

    Mike Jansen

    Shave your head, it keeps them away and your life less complicated.
    Told the same thing to Tiger last year but he (obviously) didn’t listen.

    Doug Haner

    @Mike Jansen wrote:

    Shave your head, it keeps them away and your life less complicated.
    Told the same thing to Tiger last year but he (obviously) didn’t listen.


    I used to rock a shaved grape. The wifey saw a picture of it, said I have a peanut head, and put the kaibosh on any future shaving.

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