2012 Rocky Mountain ProKart Challenge Awards Banquet

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  • #43928
    Stan Bryniarski

    :trophy 2012 Rocky Mountain ProKart Challenge Awards Banquet :~

    Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012
    7:30pm – 10:00pm (Doors open 7:00pm)
    Hosted by Rocky Mountain Regional Director, Stan Bryniarski, RMPKC Team & Sponsors
    MC’d by Tony Laporta :hehehe

    Awards and prizes will go to the top 3 champs in each class! (Top 2 in S-5 and first place in TaG Sr and TaG Master) :trophy

    Grand Junction Motor Speedway
    3002 North I-70 Frontage Road
    Grand Junction, CO, (970) 256-0107

    Who Is Invited?
    All Racers, Guests, And RMPKC Supporters Are Welcome! :hi

    $25/person — Kids are welcome (5 and under free)
    • Your choice of Roast Breast Of Turkey or Prime Rib Of Beef (you will make selection on ticket reservation) :burger
    • Soft drinks provided by Rocky Mountain Prokart Challenge (alcoholic beverages are not allowed within the facility during the banquet hours)
    • All attendees will be eligible for exciting RAFFLE PRIZES! :jump
    Purchase tickets in Online Store or call 219-841-1367.
    Deadline to RSVP and to buy tickets: Thursday August 30th, 2012 (12 noon)
    Tickets purchased at-track-$35 If available NO GUARENTEE!

    Tentative Event Schedule
    7:00pm — Doors Open
    7:30pm — Buffet Dinner — Roast Breast of Turkey or Roast Prime Rib of Beef, Courtesy of Colorado Mesa University
    8:30pm — Awards Presentation, then Raffle Prize Drawings
    9:30pm — Closing Comments
    10:00pm — Event Ends

    Host Hotel
    Clarion Inn
    755 Horizon Dr
    Grand Junction, CO 81506
    (970) 243-6790

    See ya there! 😀

    Stan Bryniarski
    National Operations Director
    Superkarts! USA

    Tony LaPorta

    Hey everyone,

    I could sit here and type three paragraphs about how great this thing is gonna be, but I wont.

    But you do have to admit that just by reading the above post, it sounds like its gonna be a great time. I love a good banquet, or post season get together. Everyone gets a chance to see each other in something other then a racing suit, or a mechanics apron. We get to honor the racers and teams on a season full of accomplishment and great racing. And on top of it all we get to eat some pretty good food while were doing it!

    I know its on a Sunday night, but Monday is labor day so stick around after the races and have a good time. Stan (like the entire series) has put a TON of work into this thing, and he does it for the group that gives him the most headaches (besides me), the racers. And if you need a place to crash, or sleep off the night my dorm room is always open.

    Seriously, Id love to see as many of you there as possible. Series racer, or not. There is no point, and really no fun at all in “MCing” this thing if Im telling embarrassing stories about Stan to JUST STAN.

    Hope to see alot of people at the races next weekend.

    Until then,


    Mike Edwards

    Sounds like a great time….But before we make plans, i would like to know how many seniors will be making the trip?

    Mike Edwards

    Greg Welch

    Mike, I have 1. Brandon Southwick on a leopard.

    Curt Kistler

    @Mike Edwards wrote:

    Sounds like a great time….But before we make plans, i would like to know how many seniors will be making the trip?
    Mike Edwards

    Go out there and kick some Butt Mikey. Here is a complete round up of who has shown up in the past: http://www.superkartsusa.com/points/2012-rockymtn_pkc.html

    As karting goes, it’s a crap shoot as to who will show up at this event, but if UT supports this race you guys should have some stout competition. I am sure Stan and Company will make it worth your time and $$$.

    Hope all is well. Lovin kartless life in the ABQ. Amazing how much free time we have now :zzz:

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