Re: Re: State Series (again)

Home Forums General Discussion State Series (again) Re: Re: State Series (again)

Don Dempster

Well once again as we the karters begin to express our interest in a state series a local track owner wants to play the blame game. Before anyone begins to say I’m just a mouthpiece for someone let me expalin. I have made my choices on what type of kart my son drives on the experience and fun we want to enjoy in karting not to favor a particular track here in the state. We chose the Rotax program as it gave us the opportunity to race at many places not only here but Arizona, Utah, and California with out having to constantly change our kart to meet the rules out of state. Last year we made a couple trips here in state and again had the opportunity to race with the CJKC which is where my son started racing and where we still have friends. Even though they have the Briggs program they allowed my son and a few others to race with them using our Rotax motors. The kids all had fun which I think is why most of us enjoy this sport. The kids didn’t care what motors they were running. They didn’t care about all this divisive BS going on here in karting. They just wanted to be out there on the track racing there friends having fun. Maybe we all should take a step back and learn from these kids. The adults karters in this state seem to have all taken sides in this dispute. They seem to all have opinions and seem to think there opinions are the only right ones. Its time for people to begin putting aside differences to open there minds to new ideas and to play nice. The promoters and clubs that do this will probably be rewared by larger kart turnouts which is what we all want. I want to end this by thanking SKUSA and Stan for at least attempting to give everyone more oppurtunities to race in a regional series by opening up more classes to not only the traditional SKUSA classes but to include the Rotax classes. Now lets see if the Rotax karters in this region respond. Thanks also to the CJKC for allowing my son and a few others tho race with your kids last year we had a blast would love the local IKF to also include Rotax as they do in other regions we could help increase your kid entried with your club. But even if there is not a state series lets not forget that some local tracks like SBR and Grand Junction will let everyone race support these tracks. Like i said take a look at the kids who enjoy this sport for the pure fun and enjoyment they have let’s all try to play nice.