Re: Re: Is this the year of the Falcon?

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Scott Falcone

Thank you Gunter!

Thank you for all the support at the track and texts i really appreciated it.

It was one hell of a good time. We had the top 4 karts in our tent all week. Me, Kip, Will and Jamie in Tag Masters. We really didn’t work together at all the entire time, I was willing, but some didn’t seem like they really wanted to discuss much about the kart. Not that we really need there help. But, none the less they all were very cool and we had some good times. Its pretty cool to say I out qualified a Indy car stud, a Daytona 500 champion and a two time Vegas winner, not too bad from a wanker from Colorado. LOL

We had some issues with the chassis in heat 2 and was barely able to hold onto the kart in the rain. In heat 3 my clutch was sticking and releasing at the apex and let me tell that was fun. Never drove a shifter before with a no gears. So with all those issues we were able to salvage a p3 for the main. Than most of you know the rest. I will be posting some video of the three time Vegas champion taking us all out. What an idiot!

Wow!! Its one thing to be wining the biggest race in the world with 9 to go and tires just came in when some idiot runs over the top of you breaks your spark plug and rips out your ignition wire. Right under the nose of the assistant race director and flagger. I’m not happy about that but that’s racing and I completely understand that racing incidents happen. But, what’s completely unacceptable is that this same guy who took out me also took out p1, and p4 at the same time in the same corner. That’s racing as well and I understand stuff happens. But, here is the total bs of it that same guy that took out p1, p3 and p4 in one corner right in front of the officials ended up on the podium!! Are you kidding me?
Again, I’m ok with the racing incident but no freaking way should that driver be able to take a podium away from another driver who didn’t take out other drivers. I got passed by and passed at least 10 times in 10 laps and never touched anyone. No excuse for this. My opinion.

James Russell Jr has all the videos in his Face Book page and i will be downloading mine as soon as there done converting. Scott Falcone Karting on Facebook as well.. what a joke this guy shouldn’t be allowed back to Vegas. How many time do you have to hit a kart in front of you before taken yourself out. !