Re: Re: Baby Rok for a Kid Kart class for SKUSA and growing kart

Home Forums General Discussion Baby Rok for a Kid Kart class for SKUSA and growing karting Re: Re: Baby Rok for a Kid Kart class for SKUSA and growing kart

Stan Bryniarski

Ben, maybe you can help all of us.
Speaking as a Grandpa and not a promoter, I need a simple, cost effective path to start out my grandson.
No, I won’t buy new, as all know that the Kid kart is like everything else when it comes to kids that age, they out grow it before it is used up and all the used packages out there already have Comers on them.
Why the comer? Can I get more years racing up the ladder if I were to bite the bullet and buy the Mini ROK and restrict it down now, or is there a way for the comer to continue into the cadet level?
How many years can a Dad or GrandPa get out of the Comer vs the ROK. (If the ROK was presented in the Kid Kart format) is the question. Who, what orgs are supporting the Comer out there and how many years can a krater run the motor before he out grows it? Of course I am familiar with the Mini ROK Cadet class, but it sure would be nice to get more years out of the total package, kart and motor, before they out grow both.
Not suckering anybody in but, I need this information as well as all the other Dads, GrandPa’s who are getting the little Karters off the ground.
What IS the best bank for the buck if we are to continue up the ladder?

