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I’m confused as to what makes your track a legitimate track, but Bandimere is not? They have done more to support the CSC and Colorado Karting then you have.

Every time I turn around you are either bad mouthing the CSC or pointing out the fact that in your opinion Southern Colorado Karters are the best. You have even gone so far as to establish a special section on this forum so as to further distance yourself from the rest of the Colorado Karting family. Have we learned nothing from history? If I remember correctly, the last time something became a North-South issue many people were hurt and the South lost. 😕

Now you want to be part of the series, and not include Greeley, a place where we can take Karting to the masses and bring in new blood. (No pun intended).

A Southern Gentlman by birth and a CSC/Colorado Karting supporter by choice,

P.S. Didn’t I see you at the last CSC race. In fact it was even at Bandimere. Hummmmm, just slummin’ that day or what? :idn: