Reply To: Stacy: R-Max Vs CSC & carb questions need answers

Home Forums General Discussion Stacy: R-Max Vs CSC & carb questions need answers Reply To: Stacy: R-Max Vs CSC & carb questions need answers

Doug Welch

Tom and Charles

I talked with Marty Casey today about this topic. He comfirmed what I had thought. We can swap out those parts that are commonly used in jetting, the main jets, pilot jets, needles, difusers or emulsion tubes, slides and needle and seats. They must be Delorto parts and they can not be altered in any way. The use of any after market parts would not be legal. I asked spcifically about the cap and spring and he said they should be stock OEM unaltered parts. So the use of the after market cap and spring would not be legal under Tag USA rules. Basically we can make the same changes that an ICC motor can make.