Track Hungry New Guy!

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    Hey Boys and Girls!

    My name is Nolan, I’m a Colorado Native and I’ve been trying to find myself a race series that I can afford to run and be able to use as a learning tool to further my driving skills. I have done a lot of driving with the BMW club and I think my next step is to get into a series of repetition to further my racing hobby and eventually move into formula cars.

    Ive driven a friend’s LO206 and I’d like to start there, anything else feels like it would be a bit too much for my skill level and a bit cost prohibitive for me at this time. Does anyone have any advice for me? I’m probably going to be able to dedicate 2-3k towards getting started come February and I’d love any input you local experts may have!




    Eric Gunderson

    Hey Nolan,

    First and foremost, welcome to Karting! Karting is a great form of motorsport.

    A 206 is a great class to start with. The engine is reliable and straight forward to work on, and has great parity, with parts easily available from many sources in CO as well as nationally.

    The Karter has several resources you may find helpful as you continue to learn about Karting. There are “how to” videos, technical resources documents, and a “new to Karting” section as well.

    With a starting budget of 2-3 k, a 206 package is well within range.

    There are several racing series within the region, and you can learn more about these by visiting the “contact: racing series” tab on here. In 2018, some series will be one-track specific, while others will go to multiple tracks across the state.

    If you’d like to chat further about specific questions, post them here, or shoot me an email at: [email protected]


    Thanks Eric! I appreciate the insight!

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