The Meeting

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    Mike Jansen

    Mikaela got 442!!!

    but the makers are asking for blood samples to recognize the record…


    i love that game, last year i was outragiously bored and i stayed up all night playing it, but i don’t remember what my score was


    Back to the subject.

    Is there enough participants to field 4 classes for 10 – 12 year old kids? Just asking.

    Angie MacEwen

    We won’t know what the numbers are for any class until folks get their membership forms in
    (available at ).
    I can start posting a list, like last year, of who has signed up for which class(es).

    Some classes can run together, and there will be a minimum number required to make a class – especially a class that requires its own track time. Those numbers have not been decided yet.

    We have to be careful in eliminating a junior class that is a stepping stone – meaning, the kid karters have to have somewhere to move up to, and right now the only real choice for them is the K80 or Animal. A jump from Kid Karts to either the Novice 80 or MiniMax would be a bit much.



    Was just looking at the 2006 membership form and wondering how we sign a document stating we will abide by the rules set forth by th CSC? Are the rules out yet? If the rules are out and classes decided what is the purpose of the meeting on the 21st? Just a couple of questions before I drive 200 miles for a meeting.

    Brian Moore,
    Father of Brandon # 77 comer 80 and novice shifter


    Still no answer? What is going to be happening at the meeting? Is it just a social gathering?

    Angie MacEwen

    The membership form says that by signing you agree that you WILL know, and abide by, the rules. If you want to wait until you have rules in hand, that is understandable.

    As for the meeting…. It is somewhat of a tradition – we didn’t always have the internet to make announcements. Brad has had an annual meeting for IMI, before the CSC was around. The track owners agreed in the very beginning to use the meeting to announce the whole CSC idea to the karters. If you have a concern about something in particular, it helps to bring it up at the meeting. The rules will be discussed, the classes will be discussed, the schedules will be discussed, questions will be answered – but whether any monumental decisions will be made at the meeting is really unknown. If we truly want an accurate membership vote on anything, it would need to be done by mail, or at the races.

    So, I am curious, what are people expecting from “The Meeting”?



    A Agenda with poers to be recommendations ahead of time so people have a notion and can discuss amoung themselves before hand.

    It is like coming in blind or we have our annual free-for-all. :argue

    Doug Welch

    @Rich Vito wrote:

    It is like coming in blind or we have our annual free-for-all. :argue

    We always refered to it as the argument clinic (Monty Python fame). Too bad we are going to be in Florida. Have fun kids.

    Angie MacEwen

    @Rich Vito wrote:

    A Agenda with poers to be recommendations ahead of time

    Agenda I get. help me with the rest?

    Mike Jansen

    The REAL reason we (actually me) go is for the pizza and beer. At least I’m honest about it 8)

    No, I want to know the following:

    TaG weights for Masters and Seniors
    Are we going to pay for competent flaggers at the events or are we (still) going to use volunteers
    And is Bobby going to be our permanent starter

    Curt Kistler

    @Angie MacEwen wrote:

    So, I am curious, what are people expecting from “The Meeting”?


    1) Free Pizza :barf
    2) Free Beer :cheers:
    3) Annual fireworks show at the crapper in the parking lot 😯
    4) Our yearly update of pictures on Blinks lap top. :devil
    5) Listen, learn, adapt, make necessary changes, and get excited about another year of watching my son race. That’s the bottom line to what this sport/hobby really is. Nothing else.

    What’s your expectations Track Owners and CSC Staff?


    aGENDA iTEMS & recommendations by CSC/Club:

    *Suggested wts, oil and gas on all classes CSC & club
    *Costs: registration/race day/pit fees, etc.
    *Which rules are suggested
    *Tire rules-CSC and Club
    *CSC unsure race date and where
    *CSC organization: Organizational chart
    *Question session
    *Other speakers: Track owners; Greeley Grand Prix; SKUSA?; Kart Shop owners
    *Classes in CSC and Club
    *What’s new in Colorado karting? anybody?


    What am I expecting from the meetig? Well I guess i will go and see if the meeting is to decide if we are going to have a meeting.

    Brian Moore,
    Father of Brandon #77 comer 80 and novice shifter

    P.S. I agree that the CSC does not need a sanctioning body this year. None of the karting organizations other than stars seems to truely have there act together at this point. It is sad that this is the case. Hopefully in 2007 some sanctioning body will have something to offer the CSC.

    Kurt Freiburg

    Any Fort Collins/Loveland area folks who’d like a free ride to the meeting (read: “designated driver”)? Just send me a pm and let me know. I have room for 4-5 more in the luxury van.

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