The bar has been lifted!!!

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    Brad Linkus

    Ben Schermerhorn blows away the IMI track record 50.663.

    Doug Welch

    We knew the track record was in danger of being broken. We certainly tried to do it and did. But we could only squeak out a 50.721. Congratulations Ben for a job well done. You had your ducks in a row and deserved it.

    Rick Schmidt

    Looks like a high 49 is possible. Wow! Good work Mark and Ben.

    stacey cook

    Ben, you are the man!!!!

    Kirk Deason

    I guess I’ll stop doing my little dance about getting into the 56’s. Holy crap. Nice job Ben!! Well I guess that just means I’ll have to raise my game a bit higher to crack off a 55. How hard could it be? (Orion laughs nervously)

    Ben Schermerhorn

    Thanks guys! We finally got a handle on the chassis. Also, thanks to my dad for getting me fast and tuning the kart. It was good to see the great turn out for a club race and watching those TaG Masters battle!


    Great job Team Schermerhorn!


    What are the 10 best times and who are the drivers who set those times?



    😯 Wow, that is FAST… I need practice. Nice work!


    Good job Ben! The sad part for all of us is, he probably could of gone faster if I hadn’t slowed him down the first couple of laps.

    And it looked like Greg made some adjustments that worked.

    So I say we get JD, Kyle, and the two Mikes from Billit, and have us a little shootout at the last IMI club race. ( within the rules of course )

    😛 AJ

    larry toby


    The results are up at:

    Here is a list of the top ten laps I found if you take the main event times and remove anomalies and DQ?s

    Time Name Class and position finish
    1 50.663 Ben Schermerhorn, 125 Shifter, 1st Place
    2 50.721 Greg Welch, 125 Shifter, 5th Place
    3 51.428 Cody MacIntyre, 125 Shifter, 2nd Place
    4 51.657 Cole MacEwen, 80 Shifter, 1st Place
    5 51.784 Jeff Field, 125 Shifter, 3rd Place
    6 51.868 Justin Simonson, 125 Spec Shifter, 1st Place
    7 51.920 Ken Kawakami, 125 Spec Shifter, 2nd Place
    8 52.383 Jesse Toby, Tag 4 Cycle, 1st Place
    9 52.431 Pat Rosse, Tag Sr, 1st Place
    10 52.533 Mike O?Connell, Tag 4 Cycle, 2nd Place

    Way to go Ben. Also kudos to the three Tag drivers who made it into the top ten!


    Thanks Larry.

    I was looking for the previous track record that Ben beat and the ones before that.

    Joe Rosse

    It would be interesting to see the track records for each class. And at each track in the state!


    Looks like we could use some practice before the world finals in October.

    Angie MacEwen

    I started something like that a long time ago, and never finished it. I will see what I can do to complete a ” Track Records” page on the site!


    Mike Jansen

    That would be nice.

    To quote the Church Lady: “Now isn’t that special”

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