TAGUSA comments on starter problems on the grid

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    TAGUSA has made a statement that with regards to all the starter problems experienced in TAG, that it will be at the race directors discretion to let the racer sart the motor with external starter and not lose his position on the grid. The TAGUSA comments are below. I was curious how the CSC will handle this, since I know many of us have had starter issues.

    Starter issues have been very troublesome. The new rule will leave this issue up to the race director and should be announced at drivers meeting. It will state that “If a competitor attempts to start on the grid and is unable to start with the onboard starter system and all components are intact, at the race directors’ discretion; the competitor may be started with a remote starter on the grid with no penalty. This is only allows in the event of starter failure on the grid”. The race director should announce this at drivers meeting; otherwise the entry will go back to the end of the grid as stated in the original rule.

    2007 rules should be out in a few weeks. Keep an eye out here as they will be announced soon.

    Thank you for your support.
    Dave Larson – President
    Marty Casey – National Tech Director
    TAGTM USA / TAGTM Racing International

    Brad Linkus

    We have always let the TAGS use a remote starter for the CSC if necessary. The starter does not affect the performance. I think their rule change is long overdue.


    Do you get to keep your position on grid, or do you have to start at the back, like the old TAGUSA rules state?


    Brad Linkus

    You are not penalized for using a remote starter.

    Brian Robson

    CSC 2006 rule book did penalize competitors for using an external method of starting the kart.

    10.3.1 Starter Engine must have all the starter components intact and working properly. If alternative methods other than the onboard starter are used to start the engine the competitor must go to the rear of the grid. A jumper battery pack for the purpose of starting on grid connected to the battery only will be allowed.

    We sent someone to the rear of the grid at our July race for this reason. We were going by the (CSC’s) rules.

    This must be clarifyed as we move forward.


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