Steamboat Springs GP and KartSport Magazine

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    Hey all,

    Nice active board you’ve got here. Just wanted to say that I’ll be covering the Steamboat race, and it’s a 90% done deal that KartSport’s promo girl (Apollonia) will also be on hand to make sure all you high country karters are feeling the love.

    I’m looking forward to it, I haven’t been to Colorado in three years. Last time I was there, I was backpacking in Rocky Mt. Nat’l Park for a few glorious days until I crawled out of the wilderness late one night, found a hotel and collapsed into bed.

    The next morning I woke up and turned on the TV to see what was going on in the world. It was September 11, 2001. 😥

    Thanks much, see everyone in a week and a half.

    Jeff Franz
    Editor, KartSport Magazine

    Ben Schermerhorn

    and it’s a 90% done deal that KartSport’s promo girl (Apollonia) will also be on hand to make sure all you high country karters are feeling the love.


    This is gonna be sweet.

    Marc Elliott

    you are a god to this sport jeff, have the girls handing out magizines like they did in vegas, god bless america


    It should be a good time. She’ll be handing out mags, free T-Shirts, stickers, and likely some limited edition posters.


    @Marc Elliott wrote:

    you are a god to this sport jeff, have the girls handing out magizines like they did in vegas, god bless america

    No Mark, my Very Young Friend, Franz is no god.

    He won’t be until he utterly defeats Doug in a no holds barred, fight to the finish on the Alpine Slide on Howelson Hill in Steamboat (The Howler). This challenege was issued last year, but wasn’t taken up in part because Jeff chickened out on making the race. So I think these two need to meet up on top of the the hill and settle whatever it is they have to settle in true non-racer fashion: Alpine Slide. Kind of like Thunderdome, dontcha think?

    I also think that Kartsport Mag needs to get Rick Blood to come out at their expense for a continuation of the Rocky and Bloodwinkel Show. Better Yet! Kartsport also pays for Paul Harraka (aka Hakaloogie) to come out for a Best 2 out of 3 match race against Blood. Paul would be given a giant bull horn and 3 minutes to proclaim to the entire valley how HIS kid can whip every kart in the field. Paul will also be given choice of lane because the poor baby fell down and hurt himself.

    I also think a series of match races between George Durdin and the other Track Owners might serve to settle a few issues. There would be a total of three races here: George against each of the other three track owners. George must ride up the hill on the chair lift with another track owner. The Lift will be stopped halfway up for 5 minutes each time.

    To bad I can’t be there to see it :-(.



    I will give you the photo’s from my Promoto party for the year end issue. We will be there to support our dealer Billett Performance Karting but unfortunately will not have our trailer there as it will go from Rock Island to Norman.

    Look forward to seeing you there,

    Richard Buxman
    RBI Racing

    Doug Welch


    Too bad the slide is closed for the season after Labor day or it could be fun. By the way, the lift is so slow that there is no need to stop it for a “chat”.

    Mike Jansen

    Does this mean we have a trophy girl to grope? 😀 :rotate: 8)


    Appolonia sounds more like a horse.

    Mike can you ride horses?


    @chazilla wrote:

    I also think a series of match races between George Durdin and the other Track Owners might serve to settle a few issues.

    That’s pretty damn funny.

    “If someone asks if you’re a god, you say, ‘Yes!'”

    Mike Jansen

    Well Rich I rode a bucking bronco at Winter Park the other week and she… 8)

    This is going to be fun (the race, the race)

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