SSGP 1st Annual Golf Classic

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    Jim Keesling

    Here is that update you asked for… 1 club (putter only) Any make or brand, Min. 1 beer per hole, 1 beer per penalty stroke, 12 balls MAX per hole, no spiked shoes, no gloves, no tools (except bottle opener), no golf tees, minimum 1 umbrella girl per player (required!), (3 max per player: 1 club holder, 1 ball placer, 1 beer caddy-umbrella holder), 1 beer requirement for each hole under par, cigars optional….

    Give me a few moments and I will add a few more “updates”.
    Bye for now…

    Mike Jansen

    Girlie Boy…

    And now you have no incentive to work those arms and legs out…

    You (at least) best work on the Apple angle and getting asphalt laid on that dirt of yurz

    Git er Dun!

    Curt Kistler

    Sure is quiet on the old Karter. Thought I would update all on the SSGP Golf Classic.

    I have set up a total of (6) foursomes, for Haymaker on 8-26-05. First group goes off at 1:00, second at 1:10, third at 1:20…

    The cost is set at $105.00 per player which includes cash prizes, kart, range balls, and the golf club will run the entire event. They will set the rules, post the scores, define the winners…

    So far we have (4) foursomes that have either posted interest here, or contacted me directly. We have room for two more groups, first-come-first-serve. We can add more groups if necessary.

    We will have over $200.00 to award back to the winners of the prize categories. IE: Best umbrella girl, most beer consumed, best one-handed putt while holding onto a beer and a cigar in your mouth…

    I am sure I can persuade Jeff and Apple from Kart Sport Mag to drive the beer wagon for this event. He was 80% sure they were coming when I spoke with him at Blackrock.

    Get me your team names, and players now so I can start getting things finalized with the course. I know it’s more money and time, however, if you have ever played Haymaker in late summer you know this is just another must do while the opportunity presents itself.

    Bye for now,

    stacey cook

    Curt, do you have Grand Junction Motor Speedway Down on your list? we are planning on being there…

    Curt Kistler

    Got you Stacey. And those “Mini Cooks” would be awsome umbrella girls. Guaranteed $$$$$ in the bank in my opinion.

    See you this weekend!

    stacey cook


    Mike Jansen

    My sister Mikaela said she’d shave her legs and put on a wonder bra. She’s loaded for bear and wants some cash and prizes…

    Glad to see you’ve got this orgainized Curt. Now, can you work in conjunction with Kessling and expedite The Track @ Centennial?




    How much are the green fees? I’d like to join in!


    Found the cost. Pair me up w/Apple. 😀


    Carefull on the use of “pair” there Ian!

    Mike Jansen


    Curt Kistler


    We now have a list of 14 names. There is room for 24 players, or 6 teams.

    Keep letting me know who wants to play in this and we will have some more information next week. :bb

    We have some sticks amongst us, so get out and practice.

    Angie MacEwen


    Make sure Ken is on the list. Hasn’t golfed in many years, but he thinks it would be too much fun to pass up!




    RBI will bring a foursome to Steamboat. Scribble in Richard Buxman, Robert Baures, and myself for now. I will round up a fourth player.

    This should be a kick!

    Mike Baures

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