Speed for the Holidays!!!

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    Jim Keesling

    Hello Colorado Karters!!!

    As memtioned earlier… The Track at Centennial will attempt to hold the First annual Winter Grand Prix!!!

    Mother Nature wants this to happen, so here we go!!!

    What: Load your trailer, put in the anti-freeze (for once it is OK), Get up early and head out to The Track.

    When: Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006

    Who: Shifters, TaGs, Jr’s, Kid Karts. 4 Classes or flights.

    Gates open at 7:00am First practice 9:00am
    two heats, one Main.

    Cost: $45.00 No trophies, all for fun and a little organized racing!!!
    Please bring your own transponder, or make arrangements to borrow one. We will not have them for rent.

    Questions? send us an e-mail.

    Final decision on Friday for go / no-go weather call.

    See you on Sunday!!!

    Kirk Deason

    I’m in pending clutch parts arrival.

    However, I have a question that I will ask publicly instead of PM because it may benefit others. (caveat emptor)

    Q1: Referring to the transponders, is there more than one type or manufacturer that will work?
    Q2:If I buy one that works at The Track, will it work at all other tracks? Will it work in all CSC races?

    Thanks guys!


    ouch…240 bucks.

    Somehow I continue to rationalize my spending.

    Jack Warrington

    I will not have time to borrow and I do not own one.
    Can we still Race?


    You can use Romans if someone could stop by and pick it up (west Arvada)



    Great idea but a bad weekend for me as I already have a condo rented for skiing. If this gets pushed back (hopefully due to great snow in the mountains) then I’d be up for it the following weekend.

    On another note, I have the same question about transponders. I’d consider getting one but at the prices they go for I want to be sure they will work at all tracks. Is that the case?

    Jim Keesling

    The AMB transponders are what you want. All the tracks use the AMB system.

    I would over the winter get one. Brads batteries are getting worn out, and it really is part of the racing equipment.

    Since this is more for fun, we can grid by “pea-pick” and not even worry about timing.

    Stay tuned…

    Kirk Deason

    I’m getting mine blueprinted.



    If you’re “pea picking”. That high compression Sonik is more than likely on pole already! Lol!

    Wish we could come, I have another neck surgery that will keep me down a few weeks. Have fun! That’s what you do anyway. Right? By the way, I’ve spent the last month convincing myself that your Red Bull drinks don’t really taste that good………..

    Do they? :cheers:

    Thanks for the great quality races this year!


    David Watkins

    I’m definitely in!! I’m not familiar with “pea picking”, what is it? I was considering driving up to Erie to see if they’ll loan me a transponder if necessary. Do I need one? If so let me know and I can pick up extras if anybody else needs one!!! I hope the weather gods cooperate.

    Jim Keesling

    To “pea picK”, we pick your grid position out of a hat, heats decide the grid for the main. No qualifying.

    Doug Welch

    Why don’t we just pick our own positions? They did that for a race we did in Tucson last year and it was fun. For the most part, the fast guys lined up in the front and the slow guys lined up in the back. Since we’re not running for trophies, what does the finishing postions matter? If we’re just racing for racing, we most likely we will line up in the back.

    David Watkins

    Thanks for the reply Jim. Do I need to get a transponder then? Also which way will the track be running? I vote for downhill and 20 lap mains!!!

    Eddy Wyatt


    Looking forward to racing this weekend. We should be rolling in Saturday afternoon.

    For those looking for a good buy on clean competitive used karts we will have our Arrow team karts on hand for inspection as well.

    Hope to see a good turn out!!!!!

    Meek Motorsports, LLC



    Any other takers on the Kid Karts. We will try to make it if possible and if you will let us race without a transponder.

    The off season is too long.

    Jim Keesling

    Sunday, Super Sunday!!!

    Is a GO!!!

    No transponder necessary, Plan to have fun…


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