Speed Channel and F1 spliting after this season

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    Cris Schureman
    Curt Kistler

    @Cris Schureman wrote:

    Personal opinion
    This sucks


    Jon Romenesko

    I agree it sucks, but if NBC Sports gets the nod (that’s the hot rumor) it might not be all bad, they do a pretty fine job with IndyCar (IMO). The other rumor i’ve heard is that whomever picks up the broadcast rights here in the states might just show the SKY F1 feed from the UK – which if you haven’t seen before, is simply phenomenal.

    It still sucks that they’re breaking up the band. I love Varsha/Hobbs/Matchett/Buxton, and I hope we see them back together soon! The other thing that sucks is that SPEED may be going away entirely, Fox wants to morph it into an ESPN-style network.

    Will Buxton has a blog (a damn good one, too), and he wrote a bit about this whole thing, it’s worth a read. If you havent heard, nobody told Will what was happening…he found out that he was losing his job via Twitter (classy, Fox :bang )

    All things must pass…

    [email protected]

    I’m not at all surprised Fox bailed out. The only real shocker is it took this long. Classy? They never have been before so no surprise there, either.

    It is bloody terrible to break up this squad. I’ve known Hobbo quite a while, since watching him race in the ’60s even. This group is absolutely irreplaceable. If the new races in ’13 have people like Mike Joy, I may not often watch for the hair I’ll pull out. They need to hire Greg Creamer, another old pal.

    I agree with Jon, NBC is doing pretty well with IndyCar, but not even close to the F1 boys. Yes, the Sky feed is awesome, and it’s free for the most part.

    Sam Strain

    We need to campaign for Tony LaPorta!

    I’ll miss watching practice and qualifying. I doubt a network will cover those sessions. Hopefully we’ll be able to pick up the races on the interwebs.

    Jon Romenesko

    Good news everyone!


    Diffey, Hobbs, Matchett will call the races. Varsha still has a contract with SPEED/Fox, but hopefully he comes on after that expires. Hopefully they’ll pick up Buxton, too!

    [email protected]

    That is great news!

    Craig Mansfield

    :rotate: :usa:

    What a great day F1 for breakfast

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