Sooooo…anybody going to supernats?

Home Forums General Discussion Sooooo…anybody going to supernats?

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    Kirk Deason

    We leave Monday to go dominate the rear of the S5 field. I checked the 10 day forecast and it doesn’t look like it will be another downpour like last year.

    Ben, Ryan, and Austin are all looking good for strong S2 finishes. They each deserve some good luck at this race. One knucklehead trying to pass 5 karts in one corner can ruin the week at a big race like this.

    Christian Bird and Sabre Cook with CRGUSA and Golden’s hotshoe Christian Schureman at PSL will all be looking to make a mark in the premier S1 category.

    Good luck to all the Colorado drivers, tuners, and party people associated with the SKUSA races. I just hope I’m not fixing a crashed kart all week. 😮

    Eddy Wyatt

    We’re not doing “Sin City”; HOWEVER, wish all the Colorado Drivers and all who are going the best luck, have fun and stay safe………You All have our total SUPPORT!! :clap:

    Greg Welch

    I’m taking:

    Jason Dempster – Tag Senior
    Max Fedler – Tag Junior
    Everest Fedler – Tag Junior

    Jon Romenesko

    Good luck everyone!

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