SKUSAMR Announces Venue Change for Round 2

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    Angie MacEwen

    The SKUSA Mountain Region organization would like to announce that Round #2 previously scheduled for June 19 & 20 at GJMS is now scheduled to be held at IMI on the same weekend. There was a “Software” glitch at GJMS that has caused this change, and we are working on the Round #3 dates and venue at this time. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience with travel, reservations and other travel plans. We tried our hardest to not have to make this announcement, but in this business, things do happen.

    Our race at IMI will be held in the same manner that Round #1 was conducted at PPIR. All schedules will hold as far as classes, qualifying, heats and mains are concerned. We will have our pre-registration forms on line next week at . There will be announcements made starting next week with all of the details pertaining to Round #2.

    I would like to thank Brad and everyone at IMI for moving their schedules around to accommodate our organization. We look forward to having another fun weekend of maximum seat time, food, beverages and hanging out with some great people. Please feel free to contact any of us at should you have any questions.

    Thank You,
    The SKUSAMR Team

    Joe Rosse

    @Angie MacEwen wrote:

    Our race at IMI will be held in the same manner that Round #1 was conducted at PPIR. All schedules will hold as far as classes, qualifying, heats and mains are concerned. We will have our pre-registration forms on line next week at . There will be announcements made starting next week with all of the details pertaining to Round #2.

    Thank You,
    The SKUSAMR Team

    I just want to make sure I understand what this means. Practice all day Friday, and then qualifying, 2 heats, and a main on Saturday?

    Curt Kistler

    We parctice on Saturday, all day on the clock, and get a full race event in on Sunday. Our first race was Friday/Saturday due to Mothers Day.

    Fathers Day weekend is another deal. There will be no consessions other than a venue change due to other issues not related to SKUSAMR.

    We are working out the details for the weekend events. Stand by for news….


    Joe Rosse

    Thanks for the quick answer, Curt.

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