? RTR Points Structure!

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    Scott Falcone

    Would someone please explain to me how the points work for none members in a race series. Iโ€™m trying to figure out how all these guys got points in the Master Class and I just canโ€™t put my finger on it. I have had conversations with some of them whom assured me they are not members and did not pay $100 to be so? I know there are some racing gurus out there who can explain this to me. Iโ€™m a little confused.

    Thank you, In Advance :rotate:

    John Crow
    Andy Seesemann
    Rodney Ebersole
    Ron Reed
    Russ McGrane
    Mark Krivanek
    Luis Ramirez

    Did any of you on the above list pay your $100 membership fees? I appreciate your honesty ๐Ÿ˜€

    It was great racing with all you guys as well as the other master drivers this year. Thanks for everything we will see you on a track soon.

    Off of the TTAC web site

    2010 Series Membership: $100 Members will accrue points toward series championships and be eligible for end of season awards. If you choose to race before becoming a RtR series member, you will not accrue points for that race.

    7.5 Points System: Points are based on main event finishing order. Drivers must take the green flag to be eligible for points. Only The Track at Centennial licensed members may accumulate points. Disqualifications will result in no points for that event. A field factor (one point for each kart that took the green flag in the Main) is added to the base points.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Hi Scott, I didn’t buy my points, but I would be glad to sell them. ๐Ÿ˜›
    Had a fun time and wish I could do it a lot more often.

    Rick Schmidt

    I suppose Jim would be the one to answer the question. The racing Guru’s all too often give bad advise.

    Congrats to all the winners in that series, looks like there may be even more competitive fields for next year.

    I love the idea of a double points race on a level playing field to decide the winners, I think that was a lot of the allure of Steamboat.


    Russ McGrane

    I didn’t pay any sort of membership fee, it seems the fair thing would be for all of us “one-timers” to not be included in the points race for the RTR series.

    My 2 cents

    Jim Keesling

    Crazy, crazy busy with the Bronco’s event today-tomorrow.
    I will answer the question Sunday once we can get thru this event.
    It really simple…


    Points???? we don’t race for points, we race for FUN!!!!! but also but also if someone would like to purchase our points, feel free to contact anytime!!


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