Rockhead Team Sports Sponsors Freezeman

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    Craig Mansfield

    We (Zach and myself) are giving the super sum of fifty dollars to Rod to start his warchest for the ice races. He told me that we had to pay for the sponsorship decals ourselfs. We have decided to use a sharpie instead and just sign the nose. We and many of karting family will be in attendence. I went last year saw karters racing in front of thousands of people what a strange site races with fans. I hope to see many of you at Loveland Event Center ice races. Merry Christmas to all.

    Rodney Ebersole

    YIPEEE!!! I’ll fire up my dollar stretcher and see what I can do.
    I do have room for a few other large sharpy sponsors.
    I need an areana 9 tooth clutch or jack shaft still and a hundred bucks worth of silver rocket racing studs so I can screw up my newly sponsored $50.00 set of snow hog tires.

    Hay, this wont mess up my Government cheese income will it?
    My Homeless Advisor (Michelle) says, send cash.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Hay Craig, Just thought I would post here about my tire sponsor gig. Whats up man, I got 4 tires all cooked and cooled, glued and screwed. But when I put them on my kart I found out I need a fifth tire for the Right rear.
    I should be fast by time the 20th shows up, as I am getting pretty skinny from all my sponsor’s support.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Sorry wrong pic the first time.


    Hey Freeze,

    Is your chain a little loose, or is that a speed secret?

    Rodney Ebersole

    yep it’s a speed secret, as it will speed up the process of making my chain longer when my rather large sprockets arrive.

    Craig Mansfield

    😯 Well I can see the money was a wise investment. I have six people ready to come and see the debacle on ice. Just think all that fun and no figure skates.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Well it was sort of fun, short, sweet, easy and cold, just like my sex life.
    Thanks to Rockhead Team sports and my other sponsor’s, My Wife,
    Mr. Billfold and Mr. Elboy Greese, I spanked all of the other dedicated karters in Colorado that particapated to more karting seen by the Motorsports enthusiast.
    Once again I was dissapointed with my fellow Colorado karters not stepping up to the plate with an open oppertunity we had for the third year to show off karting side by side with our competing sport of bikes and quads. Seems like a lot of Colorado karters will always just be talkers about promoting the sport and blind to all the small ways of doing it.
    OK maybe I’m not playing with a full deck, but it wouldn’t take much for us to get a full field of old or new karts ready to put on a once a year show that is all ready established, orginized and advertized and very cheep to participate in. I wouldn’t think that I am the only Colorado Karter in this #1 state of winter time activities with ideas of utilizing my weekly out dated investment in the sport for only a few months out of the year and setting back seat to the spot light our state has for winter time fun.
    Doesn’t a road coarse naturally made every winter by mother nature make any sence to yall? Or do you need a red carpet to a $50,000 asphalt track before it’s fun for you? Maybe I am dreaming yet I see shifter’s, Tags, and a lot of the old karts setting in people’s garages on a pond having fun during our great Colorao winter’s.
    Sorry for my babbleing, yet I hope some Mr. big bucks promoting karting will see the oppertunity this state has. I see a lighted pond near the bars of some busy ski resort with rentals and races, but maybe that’s why I am Mr. Little buck racing on thin ice.
    Any one want to get togather in Rainbow Falls sometime? Evergreen Lake would be just right too, yet it would probably take $50,000 to bribe that community to allow having too much fun on thier pond. I really need to try out My Rock Team Sports sponsored $12.00 Carlisle snow hogs on my old shifter sometime before I build one of them 1100cc quads. :loony:

    Craig Mansfield

    The freeze and his followers put the hurt on the the competion at the rink. Great races even the control tower was a victim in the crazy quads. Thanks for a great night of fun Rockhead Team Sports.


    Hey Freeze,

    Hey, what’s that cover hiding? Not the infamous “German Tech” – fire breathing, nitro pumpin, stroker of legend. Is it?

    Anyway, I think a road course on ice would be awesome. I used to ride snowmachines for Yamaha (in Alaska) and we had the “Big Lake 500” a 500 mile snowmobile race on ice. It was much shorter than the “Iron Dog” race which follow’s the Iditarod sled dog race, but racing on the ice was cool! (no pun)

    Good job Freeze!

    Rodney Ebersole

    Thanks for posting some pic’s Craig. I did keep looking back and coasting through the corners, wondering when the others were going to start racing.

    Rich, That’s my ufological cryo’ed pet kennel. It keeps my animals crap contained and cooled for post race excretion examinations.
    I have a nieghbor that wreaked his 500 summit. I think I should convert it into a go kart.

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