Removing rear wheels

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  • #42345

    I’m sorry I have to ask this, but…

    How do I pull the rear wheels off my Birel kart? The front wheels are easy–they use a nut I can remove with a ratchet.

    The rear wheels have three hex nuts, or something like that. I was unable to loosen them with a T-handled hex wrench–and I don’t know of a ratchet handle for hex wrenches.

    Or is there another trick?

    Thanks…as always…

    Doug Welch

    You can buy hex sockets from Sears that will work. They were on sale last week for $20.00 for a set.

    Kirk Deason

    Brother of Bud,

    I use a deep 10mm socket with an extension and a ratchet handle.



    That’s what I needed to know.


    Mike Jansen

    check to see if your kart has a fetzer valve. That usually creates problems. It’s all about ball bearings nowadays…

    Just make sure you loosen it up clockwise…

    Rick Schmidt

    Mike Jansen Posted: Just make sure you loosen it up clockwise…

    More solid advise from old, “Wrong Way Jansen”

    Righty tighty / lefty loosey, or counter clockwise to loosen and clockwise to tighten.

    Listening to Jansen could be hazardous to parts, life and limb!!! :crash

    Jansens way will work to get them off, but it does get a little expensive replacing lug studs everytime?

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