Racing the Rockies race 7 – Shifter and L206 race photos

Home Forums General Discussion Racing the Rockies race 7 – Shifter and L206 race photos

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    The link below is my photobucket account with photos of the Shifter and L206 heat and main races. The link takes you to the album with sub-albums that categorize each of the races. I also have a karter lifestyle sub-album which has some additional photos with some award photos. The award photos are missing the most important people (at least in my life 🙂 since my camera battery died – some photographer I am- huh? :down

    Here is the link to Racing the Rockies race 7 photos –

    As a side note, there is also an album for the IMI PPKRC race that occurred on Aug 24th, if anyone is interested, just check out the library on my site, you will see all the albums for the races that I took for this year.

    Hope people enjoy, feel free to download any that you may like. I have all the originals at the high resolution if anyone ever wanted to print out a large size 🙂

    Rick Schmidt

    You got some great shots again Gia!

    Nice sequence on the shifter going off coming onto the front straight!

    Thanks for posting!!



    Thanks Rick, I really enjoy taking these photos 🙂

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