Racing the Rockies #4

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    Greg Welch

    Since the word hasn’t gotten around to everyone yet…

    RTR #4 has been postponed.

    The Track is still hosting an unofficial non points race this Sunday the 14th. All karts welcome, no rules 😀 , cost is $45 same as a standard practice day.

    Jon Romenesko

    Was wondering about this…

    What’s the schedule going to be like? 8am start?

    Doug Welch

    Greg, you really need to get out one of your tags and go at it.

    Greg Welch

    I’m thinking of running one of my Rotaxes this weekend, since my super secret Formula A won’t be ready for this weekend…

    Hopefully I have the time to put something together.

    Greg Welch

    Here is the email I got from Carolyn..

    July is a big month for Colorado racers! The Rotax Shootout, RMPKC, SummerNationals, and the Rotax Grand Nationals are all happening in the next four weeks. After speaking with several racers and racing families, The Track has decided to move Racing the Rockies Race #3 to a later date. With so many people travelling each weekend, we felt the break might be appreciated and needed!

    We’d still love to see some racing on July 14, using a slightly less formal format. Plan to come out on Sunday, and for a test/tune fee ($45), we’ll get everyone broken into appropriate classes. It will be a great way to practice starts, and passings, and changes your tuner has made. All kart packages are welcome, so run what you brung!

    We will announce the new date for RTR #3 next week.

    Everyone, have a fun and safe July 4th holiday, wherever you may be celebrating!

    As always, thank you for your support, and we will see you at The Track.

    The Track at Centennial

    Shelley Bailey

    Oops! There was a typo in that original email and a correction went out, but just to clarify….

    It is Racing the Rockies Race #4 that is being rescheduled.

    Hope to see lots of you on Sunday!

    Eddy Wyatt

    Let’s see, no points, all kart packages welcome and for test and tune fee. OH yeah!!

    Question, what time will the gates open Sunday and what’s the track direction?


    Cory Ross

    hmm…might consider coming over this weekend.


    I’m In!

    When do the gates open?

    Greg, are you still going to be there on Saturday?

    Greg Welch

    Richard I’m going to shoot for Saturday but there is a chance I’ll be putting my race engine together…. I’ll be there Sunday.


    Gates open at 9 and fun starts at 10. Hope to see you all there.

    Jon Romenesko

    Thanks for the update, Richard!

    Bring your rain tires. :loony:

    Cory Ross

    Looks like I will not make it, had other commitments this weekend. Sounds like a fun day of inexpensive racing. If I happen to wake up before 6am tomorrow and do not want to roll over and go back to bed I might make the trip over.

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