Home Forums General Discussion RACING FOR HEROERS

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  • #43139
    Craig Mansfield

    :usa: :usa:
    A MERRY CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO ALL MY FELLOW KARTERS! I have been able to set up a salute to the soldiers. It is a series called ‘RACING FOR HEREOS’; a challenge race between Fort Carson Army and Buckley Air Force personnel for a traveling trophy. The military personnel who will be racing that day will be selected based on criteria established for the Senior Airman Kristopher George Mansfield Peak One Award that is currently in its sixth year. The Peak One Award honors my son who was killed by a drunk driver. It highlights ‘Leadership, Citizenship, and Safety’ and is awarded to the best of the best of these soldiers. Several Colorado tracks have committed to hosting this race series and will highlight other military branches. The series will consist of a practice race and the main event using ten of the track’s rental fleet during a normal race day (a total time period of about thirty minutes).

    The first event will be at the UnserRacing indoor track facility located at the I-25 and Highway 36 interchange, 7300 Broadway, Denver (720-282-5000). It will take place on Sunday, February 20th and will be run during the Daytona 500 race. Local kart racers will also have the opportunity to race during this time period. Class structures to be announced; suggestions are welcome. A ten percent discount on rentals will be given by the UnserRacing track to all Colorado Karters during that day.

    I will be paying for two of the kart rentals for the soldiers during the race segment and will look for help sponsoring the other rentals. The Unserracing track will donate the practice race time.

    We are being allowed to bring in food for a luncheon. I have a donation of some food already and displays of the latest karts. Colorado karters, lets get together and make this a magical day.

    What could be better to start the 2011 season? A salute to our soldiers, bench racing, a track to race on, NASCAR on TV, food, games, fun. and friends.

    So please email me at [email protected], PM or call 303-242-2929 with questions, donations and support.

    Craig Mansfield


    That sounds like a lot of fun specially within the winter. Lets see how many of TAG MASTERS will be there, specially after so many days of enjoying the holidays with the respective CALORIES overload….

    I on for that race…. it will be a lot of fun.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Well maybe by Feb 20th I can get the rock thawed from in front of my ice cave and roll down the hill. :us

    Jon Romenesko

    Sounds like a blast, Craig. I’m there for sure!

    Craig Mansfield

    Here are a few of the events that will be taking place during the RACE FOR HEROES at the UnserRacing indoor track on February 20th.

    Starting at 11a.m, there will be seminars and kart displays:
    • A J Noud of Rocky Mountain Kartworks (303-587-4656) will talk about front-end alignment instructions using tape and lasers
    • Barry Lewis of Billet Performance Kart (303-841-4855) will show the use of his Dyno and the aid it gives in tuning your motor and
    • Doug Welch of Shockwave Karting (303 781-7829) will show the proper ways to install your seat and its ramifications.

    • All racers can compete on rental karts for prizes using a handicapped scoring system. Sponsors and their families can race for bragging rights in their groups.

    • Watch the Daytona 500 on the flat screens at the track, starting the kick off of the NASCAR season as Jimmy goes for six.

    • Colorado karters and sponsors will be issued an arm bracelet for admission to the lunch and for special rates on kart rentals during the event

    • As part of the opening round for RACE FOR HEROES, there will be a special race series for the Military Challenge: Buckley Air Force versus Fort Carson Army.

    • UnserRacing has ordered kid karts and is awaiting their arrival

    Sponsors for the karts, food and drinks are still needed.
    Please let me know if you’ll be attending. RSVP TO [email protected]


    Craig Mansfield
    303 242 2929

    Craig Mansfield

    :usa: Great news. UnserRacing now has kid karts now this is a family event

    Sponsors: Colorado Junior Karting Club sponsor a Kart and requested name of driver so they can make signs for their driver.

    John Horan of Horan McConaty Mortuary

    Dwane Haskins of Custom Heating& Air Conditioning

    Peak One

    Don Wright

    Jonnie and Curt Conant

    Greg Welch and driving instructions for his driver

    Where is your name please call or email lets blow this out of the building. Lets show the troops what karter’s mean when we say we got your back.

    Want to have your company run a race we can. How about a turners or mom’s race all these things can be done. I just need to hear from you.

    Colorado karters get a ten percent discount at UnserRacing Sunday February 20th starts at 11am

    Food and kart sponsors still needed

    Please call or Email

    Craig Mansfield
    303 242 2929
    [email protected]

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