Race the Rockies @ Grand Junction Motor Speedway

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  • #42973
    stacey cook

    Ok everyone lets get things going here, The first big race is only 3 Weeks, lets get to racing. Get your Hotel Booked NOW!! Rooms are going fast. We are also taking PIT RESERVATIONS now.. Call Today.. 970.256.0107

    Angie MacEwen

    Thanks Stacey! Got our pit spot, got a hotel, ready to visit your great facility once again! Cole is ready, Kyle will be with us, too. Who else is racing?

    Mike Jansen

    I’ll see you there…

    stacey cook

    Ok who is having trouble getting a room? I have 9 double rooms booked at the Grand Vista for $89 night. Contact me if you need one. 970.250.4663

    Mike Jansen

    NO TELL MOTELL. 60.00 A NIGHT includes massage WITH A HAPPY ENDING…
    That’s pretty hard to beat.

    Y’all get your rooms. No whining that you missed out and have to sleep in the dirt…


    Justin Mueller

    yo jansen I heard about that motel it costs a lot more to go see the doc after that visit you are on your own..LOL great to see you last weekend..

    Mike Jansen

    Justin, like the graphics! Now get that engine fixed and ready to go!

    Justin Mueller

    Jansen Barry and I rebuilt the entire motor saturday night and I raced on sunday well raced my brother anyway since all the other g-1 guys were scared of the weather…see u in junction

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