Race day schedule

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  • #42955
    Jim Keesling

    Hello karters…
    The Mile High Challenge race day events and registration information, as well as Racing the Rockies series information and registration information is now posted on the Track’s website under the racing link.
    Thank you,

    Justin Mueller

    Jimmy full days 2 heat races and a main wow Looks like fun If anyone can run a tight schedule you can…I heard a rumor that mike Edwards is going to get a kart and start racing. Jensen said they are looking for a couple good drivers in Tag Masters. Looking forward to April…



    thanks for the updates!

    Is it free to park on the dirt still?

    How much is test/tune pass?

    Got to say having 2-heats and a main is great. Yes the days will be longer, but a great time for all. In these hard economic times it is great to see the track owners cut us karters a break!!

    Yea I heard a rumor that Mikey was going to race sideways and still finish ahead of Mike Jensen.

    Mike Jensen, I remember the last time I saw you kart number. You ran right up the back of me and hit me in my back-who was ahead of who then?

    Mike Jansen

    @Rich Vito wrote:

    Mike Jensen.

    Mike Jensen, I remember the last time I saw you kart number. You ran right up the back of me and hit me in my back-who was ahead of who then?

    Hey Vito, it’s like this: J A N S E N
    You’re Vito until you get my name right. Got it Snapperhead? 8)

    And you were ahead of me that day because I had male PMS… 8)

    This season I’m gonna race like I played basketball. Trash talk all the way to the finish line… 8) :usa:


    Gee you mean name miss-calling is bothering someone else also. Welcome to the No-name club Mike

    I got it–Jansen 😳

    take care!

    Ben Schermerhorn

    test and tune prices have been the same since the Track opened. $35.


    Thanks Ben!

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