Race 1 Updates!

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  • #43607
    Jim Keesling

    Hello Colorado Karters!

    The 2011 racing season starts this weekend. Over the off-season, many of you traveled to both coasts and did an outstanding job of representing this fine State of Colorado at both the Challenge of the Americas, and the Florida Winter Tour!

    Congratulations to all that brought home the hardware!!!

    On to Race #1.

    Just a few housekeeping items…
    Gates open at 6:00am Sunday.

    1) Spec shifters – motors and weights to follow S2, S4 and S5.
    I encourage all shifter drivers to be a member of SKUSA.

    2) Fuel for Spec Shifters. VP MS-98. We have it at The Track.

    3) Tires for Spec Shifters. MG Yellows.

    Rotax classes all follow RMAX Challenge rules with the exception of fuel.

    Fuel for Rotax classes Shell V-Power 91.

    There has been some discussion regarding the 2 heat, 1 main format. We are thinking about a 12 lap heat race, followed by a 25 lap main for the junior and senior classes. Kid karts, micro and mini would have their proper number of laps. That will give us time for a round of warm-up for each class. Lets discuss this at the drivers meeting Sunday, and during practice Saturday.

    FOOD! Dana will be in house Saturday during the day, and all day Sunday – bring your appetite!

    There are a lot of new faces, so we want to welcome all to The Track!

    I’m really looking forward to kicking off the 2011 Racing the Rockies series this weekend.

    Thanks again for your support!
    See you at The Track!


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