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  • #42745
    Nicole Bort

    As I read through this forum, about the events that are coming up in the CSC I can’t keep but wondering, how far the board is with coming up with the:
    1. Rulebook
    2. Registration
    This list, although it is only two things, is a list that should not be ignored. With the first club race come and gone (saying there were going to use the CSC rulebook as a rulebook of theirs) and less then 84 days, that is 12 weeks, until the first CSC race. At this time if you poll most of the karters in this series, you will find that not only they have to set up their karts for the first race in less than 12 weeks, or less than 3 months, but they have to figure out what class they will be in. And the only thing that is keeping them from this great investment, which indeed some have to make like I, is the rulebook. Why haven’t the CSC board made up the rulebook yet and published it out to the members? All I am saying is that the racing season is coming up quickly. And people need to get ready.

    -Nicole B

    Brad Linkus

    The rules and all other CSC and IMI/TheTrack series information will be posted on the new website this week. I had copies of the rules at the race this Sunday.

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