Quck question – how to upload avatar photo

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    Just signing on after sometime and see the new upgrade, pretty nice. I’m sure it was a lot of effort.

    I looked everywhere, but can not find where I can upload my photo for my avatar. Could you please let me know where I can find the instructions on this or just let me know how to do that? Thanks.  ~~ Gia


    Hi Gia!

    Welcome back to The Karter! You’re right, the new look took a lot of effort to set up, but we are extremely proud of it overall.

    One area that I’m not super stoked on is of course the avatar integration. This is a WordPress Site, which means that you have to upload your ‘avatar’ image to a 3rd party partner of WordPress, Gravatar. (I know, I know, silly name).

    To do this, log into your account on The Karter, and then click on where it says “Howdy, Suicide Customs” (top right of your screen).

    Once there, you are in your profile. Scroll down a little bit, and you will see a prompt for the profile picture, which is your avatar. You will have to register with Gravatar, which again is annoying. I assume WordPress does this to save server space on their main WP servers…

    Anyway, 0nce you have uploaded your image, it should appear as your profile/avatar picture. Note that I said ‘should,’ as Gravatar can take some time at times. It is a little frustrating I admit, but if you are persistent, it will appear.

    As you can see, most people haven’t bothered with that step yet, and that’s fine by me. However, hopefully in the future as they updgrade and update Gravatar it works more consistently and with less hassle.

    If you have further questions, email me at: [email protected], and I will be happy to help!

    –Eric Gunderson


    Thanks Eric 🙂

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