pre-season Information from The Track

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    Jim Keesling

    Some pre-season information
    February 12, 2010 – Centennial, CO

    Recently, there has been much discussion regarding weights of the various motor packages within different series nationally. As we look at the results in both series offered by The Track, Mile High Challenge and Racing the Rockies, not one motor package (out of 126 racers) was way out there in need of β€œfixing”. In the very difficult economy the world is facing, we feel it really is in the best interest of you, the racer, to make the least number of changes, if any at all. So, The Track at Centennial will once again follow TaG USA weights, and will use the 25mm header for TaG Junior.

    If a spec package and heads-up racing is your game, welcome to Rotax of the Rockies! One motor can take you from 7 years old to 70. One motor can let you run local, regional, national and world-wide events, plus you can run in any other series without giving up the sealed, even package. What a great concept. Believe me, I hate buying new/different motors each year, just to chase the racing dream. In tough times, it is better to invest in quality and stability any day.

    For those drivers aspiring to run at a national level, The Track at Centennial has the experience of race management, class structure, and technical advice to let you play the game. The Racing the Rockies-Pepsi Center race, a temporary track at a fantastic downtown venue, is what you need to prepare for the SuperNationals, if that is where you hope to run at the end of the season. Rotax of the Rockies will get you prepared for the Rotax Grand Nationals in July.

    With a new season just around the corner, we are asking everyone who currently has their personal and emergency contact information on file with us, to please update names, phone numbers, etc. For the new owners who have not yet registered with us, please be sure to do so prior to the first race. The 2010 race licenses will be printed in time for the first race for those who have renewed/submitted their information.
    The Track at Centennial has posted the racing rules on the web site for the 2010 racing season. Please visit to view and download.



    Joe Rosse


    I’m sure you posted this before, but I can’t find the Rotax of the Rockies schedule either here or on your website. Could you repost the info, or the link to it?

    Jim Keesling

    The Rotax of the Rockies is run during all of the Mile High Challenge races. You may also find the schedule under the RMAX Challenge web site.
    It is also listed under the racing link Rotax of the Rockies on the Track website.


    Joe Rosse

    Thanks, Jim–I was looking at the 2010 racing schedule on your page and didn’t see it. So if it’s run as part of the Mile High Challenge, Rotaxians will have to choose between running in Rotax setup or TaG setup, right? We’d like to run against other Rotaxes, but I’m afraid that will turn into the low turnouts of last year.

    So, Rotaxians, who’s planning to run the Rotax of the Rockies series?? (I’m curious about both Rotax Jr and Sr.)

    Jim Keesling

    Yes, they will run with the TaG group, but will be running for their own points as Rotax. Could you explain to me what you think the difference is between Tag set-up and Rotax set-up. All Rotax engines within Tag must follow RMAX rules.
    You must be a Rotax member, and will get scored for trophies as such.

    Joe Rosse

    I was thinking of tires, Jim. We didn’t run MoJos last year, but as I recall the D2s–good as they’ve become–are a bit slower than MG Yellows.

    Greg Welch

    When a D2 runs on a track with only D2 rubber, they are very similar in speed to the MG. However we have found that D2 tires don’t like MG rubber on the track and run slower than the yellow.

    There has been a ton of interest and excitement about Rotax only racing, and we will have a couple entries in senior running the Mojo tire, including myself more than likely.



    What is the weight for Spec Shifter Master going to be? The Track rule book says 420 lbs, but halfway through last season, the weight was lowered to 410. The SKUSA rule book says 405 for S4. I don’t mind if we stick with heavier weights πŸ™‚


    Nathan Finneman

    heavy fellas πŸ˜†

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