PPKRC Race 1 , Sunday Weather to be Sunny, Saturday was Grea

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    Roger Miller

    Come race Sunday at PPIR where the Weather was great all day long today, and predicted to be about the same for Sunday. Please remember that the Weather at PPIR is completely different then what happens even in Colorado Springs. PPIR is in a banna belt. While it was raining and snowing in Denver today we were racing all day all PPIR. Don’t miss out on a Dry and fast track on Sunday. Registration is open until 9:00 am and qualifying at shortly after that with racing at about 10:00am. All are welcome to come down from cold and wet Denver and join us at PPIR for some great racing this weekend. Good mix so far of classes, good junior and senior class and the Shifters came out in numbers today, new faces, old ones also, and some new pretty ones. The track is fast so come prepared. Eddy Tseng’s gang of Four Stroke shifters was impressive to watch today, very fast. We understand that the weather was bad in Denver today, not so down here. Come on down and savage weekend, we have classes for everyone.

    Roger Miller
    President, PPKRC

    Roger Miller

    Foggy this morning, Weather forecasters say that the fog is supposed to lift and SUNNY SKIES LATER.


    Weather may have slowed down the start a little but a great job by all to get the track ready. Thanks enjoyed a great day of racing at a nice facility. Good job PPKRC gang. Thanks!

    Don Dempster

    Thanks to all the PPKRC staff for putting on another fun event. For those of you that haven’t been down to PPIR to race you don’t know what you are missing. The infield track surface is the best in the state and the overall facilities are second to none. I encourage ALL karters to check out there race schedule and make a visit. No matter where your hometrack is or what series is your first priority if you can reach out and support some of the other great series we have in this state it only benefits all of us karters. Again thanks to Roger and the whole staff who ran the event. See you all again soon!!!!!

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