Pan American Championship Race at The Track at Centennial

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    Shelley Bailey

    February 24, 2012
    Pan American Championship Press Release
    Prepared by Josh Smith, Administrator United States Rotax Max Challenge

    The MAXSpeed Group is proud to announce the host track for the 2012 Pan American Championship. The Track at Centennial in Englewood, Colorado will be the host track of the 2012 Pan American Championship. The owner and operator of The Track at Centennial stated, “I am excited to host such an event. I have been waiting for the opportunity to host another Rotax national or international event since we held the 2007 United States Rotax Grand Nationals.” The MAXSpeed Group is excited for this venture back to The Track at Centennial as it is a first class race track and only minutes from downtown Denver.

    The 2012 Pan American Rotax Max Championship structure has been changed from the previous years to assist international participation and continued program growth.

    The 2012 Pan American Structure will be as follows:

    It will again be a stand-alone, one race championship event, requiring a minimum number of “punch” races to attend. The winner in the Junior Max, Senior Max, DD2 and DD2 Masters classes will each receive a ticket to the 2012 Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals.

    The Pan Am Championship Event will require a minimum of 6 “punch” races to participate. Punches will be awarded accordingly:

    • Florida Winter Tour and Gatorz Challenge of the Americas: Each event weekend will count as one punch.

    • United States Grand Nationals: This event will also count as one punch.

    • Any official Rotax Max Challenge race day; USRMC or International, will count as a punch towards the 2012 Pan American Challenge Championship Event.

    The 2012 Pan American Challenge Championship Event will once again be an international race. Any properly licensed driver, from any country, who completes the minimum number of “punch” races, will be eligible to attend.

    Stay tuned as details for this race unfold!

    Greg Welch

    Congrats on getting this large of an event. Look forward to being there to support it.

    Shelley Bailey

    Thanks Greg, appreciate your support! Great plans are already under way, so will keep everyone posted as details unfold throughout the coming months! :green

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