Odds on GJ

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  • #40417

    Who is going to win GJ this weekend, I heard we will be running the track backwards. Who won it last time?


    Are we running the track backwards? We won’t be there untill Sunday morning so could you give us a hint on the gear compared to the other direction ( up a tooth or down 2 teeth).

    Curt Kistler

    K Dad,
    I’ll tell you for a cigar 😛

    stacey cook

    Yes, the track will be going the other direction, it is a balst that way! Most of the guys are running the same gearing on the Rotax.. Should be some awesome racing, heard a bunch of the Utah Rotax guys are coming..

    Marc Elliott

    whats the gearing differance for a 125 shifter

    stacey cook

    Marc, the local guys have actually been running the same gearing as they did going the other direction, the only difference is the speed coming down the sweeper, it is faaaaast!!!

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