Looks like one of our Vets could use some help.

Home Forums General Discussion Looks like one of our Vets could use some help.

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    Rick Schmidt


    Don’t think I’ve ever met this gentleman but totally understand the therapeutic releif you get from going out and getting the adrenalin flowing real good.

    I know money is tight right now but I’m sure there are 25 or so of us that could throw $100 in to get him back out there?

    If we could gather pieces I would volunteer to help put something together.

    The man fought for our freedom.

    What do you guys think?




    I’m in I will Talk to JB and Brad tomorrow and find out what we can do for this Hero.


    Mike Jansen


    give us results and what’s needed. I’m in…

    Robert Hanley

    I was made aware of this situation yesterday morning at which point I reached out to Dan Weaver, the writer at 9News who wrote the article. If the efforts to recover Nick’s stolen kart are not successful I am will to provide Nick with an Arrow AX9 chassis with a Leopard on it ready to go. Based on the good fortune and many gifts in my life that have been protected by individuals such a Nick Inman this is the very least I can do. I think it would be great if we came togther as a group to acknowledge the sacrafice Nick has made and continues to make on behalf of all of us. It would take very little effort from each of us to provide Nick with the peace he finds while on the track. Dan has forwarded my contact information to Nick and when I hear with him we can then connect to figure out the best way to make this happen.
    Please feel free to contact me if you would like to work together to make this happen.
    Robert Hanley
    [email protected]

    Rick Schmidt

    That’s awesome Robert! You are a good man.

    It just broke my heart to see something like this happen to a good American, we just seem forget too easily. I would participate at any level I could, if he wants to do some track days or race competitively I would be happy to throw some wrenches around his new ride.

    Please keep us in the loop and let us know how to best meet his needs.

    If he ends up with a new machine, maybe we could do a tire drive or season pass to the track of his choice or something that would enable him to support his way of healing.

    Let me know.


    Mike Edwards

    I’m in…..I have 2 or 3 sets of good used tires that he is welcome to. I’ll be glad to spend time helping Dan if needed.

    Just let me know when and where
    Mike Edwards

    Mike Edwards

    Had I paid closer attention….I’ll be be there if Nick needs help!

    My bad

    David Fedler


    Please keep me on your list for whatever is organized. Our family will be proud to lend a hand.


    Robert Hanley

    Just got off the phone with Nick and we had a good conversation. At this point it appears improbable that his kart will be recovered. We agreed to speak again on Saturday the 27th and see if we can get together either that afternoon or the following day, Sunday the 28th to discuss and understand what it will take to get him back on the track. I have received emails from a few folks offering their help and support, thank you. If anybody would like to join Nick when he and I meet, I think he would appreciate it as he really liked the idea of having time at the track with a group of guys that have the same interest. The more of you that want to be involved the better. Please feel free to call or email if you have questions, suggestions, or comments.
    [email protected]

    Sheldon Potter

    @David Fedler wrote:

    Please keep me on your list for whatever is organized. Our family will be proud to lend a hand….

    Ditto here.

    Also, re.:
    @Robert Hanley wrote:

    …he really liked the idea of having time at the track with a group of guys that have the same interest. The more of you that want to be involved the better. …

    …Would also be happy to participate this way, as well (I’m mainly at The Track).

    Perhaps a track owner might also consider stepping up re. that season (or similar) pass someone else mentioned?

    Let him know about this forum, too, and that might also be a good way for him to network w/ the karting community directly.

    Sheldon Potter

    [email protected]

    This is one inspiring thread!

    Thanks Rick for posting, Rob for your generosity and perspective, and all else for participating!

    I’ve dealt with PTSD and it’s one tough opponent. I can add that karting is ready-made as a therapy.

    My wife’s disabled so funds are short, but would certainly kick in $100 to help this guy. Please keep the thread going and maybe I can help some more.

    My Respects to you guys.


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