Jeff Welch/Shockwave chassis in Kart Attack

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  • This topic has 10 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by RBI.
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    I was watching the DVD Kart Attack a couple days ago. Its three or four years old, and it covered the Black Rock Summer Shootout in SL, UT. I’m pretty sure it was Jeff in pro on a shockwave kart, and I swear the motor and radiator were on opposite sides (radiator on right, motor on left) I probably pushed rewing 100 times to make sure what I was seeing was real! Is there any explanation for this? I have never seen that before!?!? Was it just to be different? I thought it was cool, I have just never heard or seen of that! :loony:


    Greg Welch

    I need to find a copy of that dvd then, I know I have one somewhere. We definently never had a chassis like that, I think at the time of the video we were still running KGB chassis, we didnt switch to our own until the last year of the shootout.

    Rick Schmidt

    Are the numbers reversed too?

    It is a pretty cool video.

    There is also footage of the 2006 Supernationals (toward the beginning @ 1:23) where Keesling passes Roman gets a little wide on exit and Roman re passes, as Jim hits the barriers. It looks cool frame by frame. I think Jim thought Roman may have contacted him at first but tossed it into a slide to miss him. What’s really cool is the perspective of helmet cam of the same thing.

    Kinda getting the bug again!


    Rick Schmidt


    Maybe that was you in Spec Moto at the Shootout? I still have the footage of your unfortunate, shortened race, with Romans helmet cam on. Didn’t figure you wanted it, but if you do.I have it. Was a killer 2 laps. Just not the outcome you wanted for sure.


    Greg Welch

    Well It depends on which year of the shootout is was. Jeff raced the first one, we both raced the second, and I raced the last two.

    That actually would be a fun video to have. Too bad going down the straight I forgot I was on reds, yellows would have made that pass stick.

    Rick Schmidt

    I’ll hook you up Greg.

    Jeff Welch

    If it was the Pro shifter class, it was probably me. I ran Pro at the first Black Rock Shootout back when it was still built moto in 2003, and yeah, I was on a KGB with KGB graphics. The following year we still ran KGBs, but with Shockwave graphics, and I don’t think we did the shootout that year? 2005 was the first year for the Shockwave chassis, and Greg did the 05 and 06 shootouts, I think.

    I’ll have to get a hold of the DVD, I had no idea one of us was in it!

    Rick Schmidt

    I thought you guys were talking about the new video that just came out. Need to read the post a little better, sorry.


    I watched it again more closely. The cameras must have been screwed up or something to do with the filming, because the numbers are backwards too. The resolution isn’t good enought to see the letters and details on the graphics. It freaked me out because there was only two times in the movie where it did that, and I noticed it first on Jeff’s kart. BTW, I think it was the first year of the shootout. It was jeff, #22, in Pro ICC, with shockwave graphics on the kart.


    Doug Welch

    The first year of the Shootout we did run a KGB chassis with our graphics. Jeff ran Pro ICC, #22. There were some big names like Sciuto, Vorath, Moulton, Moon, Carlton, Beeny, Martin, Speed, Mandarino. We were using a CRS engine. We did good in the prefinal finishing in the top 10 if I remember right. But during the morning warm up on Sunday, we lost a water pump belt and overheated the engine. We didn’t have a spare and the motor was a bit soft in the main so we fell back. Greg didn’t run that one.


    I still have about 15 of the dvd left brand new. If anyone wants one I will sell them for $10 including freight.

    Hope everyone is having a good winter,

    email: [email protected]

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