IMI weight scales

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    Tom Dennin

    Does anyone else feel the scales at IMI read lite? I was there today and I was 5-6 lbs lite. I had heard from others that they felt the scales were lite by 10lbs. Can this be check tomorrow?

    See everyone tomorrow,


    Joe Rosse

    Seemed at least 3 pounds light to us (maybe more, not sure exactly what our fuel level was last time).

    Brad Linkus

    We have 400lbs of weight standards and have checked the calibration again today and it is perfect. You can watch us calibrate it if you want to be sure.


    This is the only time, at any of the CSC events, that we have seen the scales exactly agree with the Longacre scales we use at home. Finally !!


    I agree with Jim. We have to give up as much as 18 lbs at a few of the races. Need to haul that 400 llbs to all the events. We were within a pound of our scales.


    Curt Kistler

    Our kart was right on for last Sunday, but when I got on it is seemed heavy 😯

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