IMI to host the TAG World Finals 2007

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    Brad Linkus

    IMI Motorsports Complex is hosting the TAGUSA World Finals Oct. 4-7 2007. We will be moving the club race scheduled for the 7th of Oct. to Sept. 30. You do not have to qualify to enter the race. The entry fees will be reasonable $75-$100 depending on when you sign up. TAGUSA tire rules, you do not have to buy tires from the promoter. MS98 fuel.

    stacey cook

    Brad that is really cool!!! Hope it is a huge success….

    Kirk Deason

    What is the difference between TaG Senior Heavy and Tag Masters? (seems redundant)

    Might be my only time to EVER run anything called a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. 😯 Will there be t-shirts? The price is right.

    I think I’m in.

    stacey cook

    Tag Senior Heavy-Fat Guys
    Tag Masters-Old Guys

    I can race both :cheers:

    Eddy Wyatt

    That’s very cool Brad.


    Meek Motorsports, LLC


    How can you have a world championship for less than $800 in entry fees? Does it come with recognition with those low entry fees? Are you charging $600 for pit fees to make up for the losses? Now on a serious note congrats.

    Brian Moore

    Jon Romenesko

    WOW, The RMax Grands AND TaG Worlds all in Colorado…in the same year?! 😯 I think im in heaven. That’s seriously awesome, Brad! :cheers:

    @Kirk_Deason wrote:

    Might be my only time to EVER run anything called a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. 😯 Will there be t-shirts? The price is right.

    I think I’m in.

    You know, I think Kirk is on to something here. My game isnt exactly up to ‘World Chamionship’ levels…but for $100…….?

    Mike Jansen

    Is Motori in the fray? And if so, what head?

    Rick Schmidt

    This is going to be an awesome year for Colorado Karting. Good job Brad.

    Rick Schmidt

    stacey cook Posted: Thu 07 26, 2007 3:08 pm Post subject: Classes

    Tag Senior Heavy-Fat Guys
    Tag Masters-Old Guys

    I can race both

    Why don’t you run a Tag 4-Stroke Stacey? You can still be a little heavy and go fast at the same time. It’s great!

    stacey cook

    I would love to.. Brad you doing any motor rentals?

    Rick Schmidt

    Are we going to be able to run the Mg Yellow Brad?

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