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    Drew asked on the CSC Banquet thread what we thought about Greeley, so I thought I’d start another thread on it because it’s an important topic.

    I would really like to see the Greeley race happen. I think the biggest thing that we could do to improve Colorado karting is get more karters. Getting exposure at a major event is one of the best ways to attract more participants. There are many ways to recruit new karters that could be tried if we get a crowd.

    I don’t care if a Greeley race is part of the CSC series or not. I’ll let the CSC directors figure that out.

    And, it would be fun to run on another new track – especially if it favors Rotaxes 😛



    i think that the race should be there, and there should be like rental karts set up there or something to get other people interested in the sport and want to get more involved in colorado karting. I think it should be a part of the CSC because then there are lots of different tracks up that we could go to that would offer much variety and more fun.

    Joe Rosse

    It might be useful to get more information about what’s being proposed. Is this a street course a la Rock Island? A parking lot course? Would they be willing to pony up for Pro-Tec barriers, or are we talking hay bales and cones? Do we have any idea what kind of surface the course would have (especially before making comparisons to Steamboat)?

    I think it’s an intriguing idea, but the devil is always in the details–and I’m talking about more than marketing ideas.

    Doug Welch

    Joe brings up a good point. One of the reasons Rock Island does not do 80 junior is because of the age of the competitors and the speed. They are concerned about liability. That is why they do only the lower hp and slower 4 cycle karts for the younger ages.

    We have done many street/temp races around the country and one of the best we’ve done was in Barrie, Ontario. They use a combination of street, parking lot and park roads to create a great race track. More importantly, they do it in an area of town that is a natural attraction for spectators, the lake front. I’m not exagerating at all when I tell you they get in over 15,000 people a day to watch the race. Combined with a carnival, car show and display booths, there were people everywhere.

    Temp races are great for our sport as we get the action in front of people who just might want to join us. It also gets us exposure that may generate sponsorship. While the individual racer may not get much if any, the series can leverage the crowd exposure into $$$ that can help all of us by reducing the costs of putting on events or prize money.

    As city streets and parking lots are inheiratly dangerious (poles, curbs, bad pavement), great care has to be taken in the layout of the course. There are also issues of crowd control. But none of these are insurmountable problems. If the race course is in some remote parking lot, that defeats the purpose of doing it in the first place for both us and Greeley.

    Whether or not its part of the CSC is another question. If the race exists at all, it will impact both the CSC and club races. Racers only have so much time and money and a race in Greeley is one less race they can do elsewhere. If it is made part of the CSC, that gives the race more legitimacy and will ensure a larger turnout. It would also help attract out of state racers much like the Cascade Locks race does. Isn’t that what Greeley is after?

    One draw back to being part of the CSC is our younger classes and less experienced racers. Because of the potential for increased danger, I fully understand the relutance and concern of some parents. However, as Joe points out, the devil is in the details. I think a properly done temp can be both safe and exciting for racer and spectator. I say lets shake this tree and see what falls out!


    I very much like Chris’ idea of rental karts there—-Jim K. and The Track.

    Joe is correct the details the details.

    For me I think this is the marketing needed in Colorado Karting-we should not pass up this chance!

    Well guys I am going to the track for R&R today and see my buddies Brad and Bobby at IMI :argue Got to hit 55’s before next season to stay up with Charles, Roman and Lee.

    Rusty Newberry

    Now that this thread has started I will try to fill in some of the blanks.

    The City of Greeley has offered the use of Island Grove Regional Park as the site for the Greeley Grand Prix. Several sites were offered as possibilitites, including running on city streets. The Island Grove was selected as the most viable.

    ” The original location was racing on the historic downtown Greeley streets. However the noise created in and around the area for the 3 day event, as well as logistics to retain access into downtown merchants and blocking off 8th Avenue were concerns. The FunPlex location had potential but noise to immediate housing areas and the concrete islands in the middle of the major parking lots created operational track concerns. Youth Sports Complex location was determined to have several logistics concerns as well as noise to immediate housing. K-Mart location was strong candidate due to close proximity to Mall, restaurants and Hwy 34. However, lack of public restrooms and the possible impact to K-Mart access and traffic along street in front of motels was a concern.
    Island Grove is the optimum location. Noise impact is minimal, if at all. Traffic access is excellent, even if plan is to restrict access from 11th Avenue. Site has plenty of asphalt surface for track, pit area and spectator bleachers (portable units). Further, plenty of public restrooms, ability to create a festive environment for free concert stage in park area, food booths, VIP area, kart rental area, race HQ trailer, small carnival rides and parking in dirt lot to SW by Centennial Village are all benefits. Lastly, as this event grows in popularity the site can accommodate the growth, including the idea of bidding to host the Kart Expo International Expo/Trade Show to be held in the Island Grove Event Center. An effort will be made to develop a Shuttle Bus from downtown plaza location to the race, with downtown merchants sponsoring the Shuttle and offering pre and post race coupons.”

    The area we will have at our disposal within the park is 4.5 acres of paved parking lot with minimal light poles to work around. The asphalt is in better shape than Steamboat but not perfect. Ther are some undulations but not bad ripples and I am sure we can design a course that minimizes the effects. Part of the area will be set aside to set up a rental kart track.
    There is additional space to the east of the paved area for tow vehicle parking or pit area if needed. There are also RV hookups with water and electricity to the Noth of the rodeo arena.
    I will get with Angie and get the links to the park posted so you can get an idea of the layout.

    The city is looking at this as a long term deal that will take several years to realize its’ full potential. I have put them in touch with Roger Ruthart at the Rock Island Grand Prix and they are going in to this with their eyes wide open.

    As to whether it is a CSC race or a stand alone event that is up to you and the CSC. I just want to see it happen. Our schedule seems just fine to me as it is with 2 races at each participating track and the SSGP.

    I do think we need to make a decision very soon.
    Several dates were discussed including Labor Day. That date was squashed immediately. We would be crazy to try to upstage a great event as the proven Rock Island Grand Prix. The date that was chose was Memorial Day weekend. Yes, we know that is also the date for the Indy 500 and that is a tie in. It was even suggested that we may have access to a Jumbotron type screen showing the race.
    Memorial Day is only 6 months away!
    It is anticipated that the first race will really be a shakedown event in order to make the subsequent years bigger and more exciting. The city is looking at a long term commitment to the race and are prepared to make a 3 to 5 year commitment.


    J.B. Olmstead

    Greetings to all ,

    Based upon the info we have gotten , the Greeley G.P. sounds like a terriffic idea , benefiting each and every one of us , wether we are aspiring racers who want to pursue a related career supporting any form of racing , or would just want to be a spectator watching several of our youngsters make it to the big time !

    It all starts here , It seems that the city of Greely wants to make Kart Racing their MAIN EVENT , that being the case , I can see having such an event could make it a lot eaiser for racers to get sponsorship monies by bringing Kart Racing to the forefront of family fun !

    Business owners ,celebrities , as well as news media could be brought into the excitement of an event like this — exposure is what we really need !

    Do you remember the first time you ever witnessed a Kart Race ????

    Exciting wasn’t it ? Everything from 5 yr olds , teenyboppers as well as 60 yr olds bonded together with a common tread , “tire tread” .

    We all know how difficult it is to try to tell anyone the difference between a “go-cart’ and a Race Kart is , don’t we ? Heres our chance to “Show and Sell” the idea !

    As many of you know , Ann-Louise and I have put enormous effort and money into promoting Kart Racing , and are willing to help again to make this happen for You !


    You fill in the rest of the story !

    We care , J.B. / Ann-Louise

    Curt Kistler

    I couldn’t agree with you more JB. Well said. I remember the first kart race Matt and I went to. 5 years later, + 50K spent, and every vacation day used racing, we would do it all over again without any changes!

    My only comment at this time is “time”. We need to commit ASAP and get a CSC schedule posted. Even the Pro Kart Challenge in SOCAL has posted it’s 2006 schedule. Seems like we drag our feet out here way tooooo long and it frustrates many of us. I will donate our shop facility here on Santa Fe and Bellview for a karter forum on a Saturday to get things rolling if that will help. Let’s just get rolling.

    Watta you say Angie? Get enough rest yet, or do you need a little more time and :coffee

    Thanks Again JB and Ann-Louise, your passion and efforts have been noticed.


    Jim Keesling

    Good morning all,
    I like the Greely idea. I don’t like how it is evolving.
    The city council members were brought down to the Denver Grand Prix and saw all the excitement that was going on. I know this is what helped sell the idea to them.
    The down side is, no one has asked what it costs to even start a set-up close to what they are expecting.
    Once details get sorted out, a decision can be made.
    From a promoters side of things, it takes a lot of time and planning to put on a race at a temp track (huge deal.) From a racers point of view, I load the trailer and start driving, “what’s the big deal?” Please try to keep that in mind as everyone gets excited about new venues.

    As far as our schedule vs Pro Kart in So Cal, their season has started already. Ours just ended.

    Happy Holidays to all,

    PS… more news coming soon, I promise…

    Rusty Newberry

    What is you don’t like about how this is evolving?
    The city is providing the space and we provide the race.

    It is no different than Steamboat when it comes to putting on the race.
    We design a course, bring in scoring and timing, provide the course workers and run a race.

    The city is willing to provide many of the things we would normally have to provide out of pocket ourselves.

    Would be nice to have access to the barriers :sun: but tracks are laid out every weekend without them.


    Jim Keesling

    Sorry for the reply that it takes a lot to “Provide” a race.
    Good luck, and I look forward to the notice of race and entry form.
    Bye for now,

    Joe Hawley

    The race was great, it seemed to run very well I thought so if there is any chance of pulling it off this year (2007) I will be more than willing to help anyone “Get-HER-DONE”

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